But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless. Mind blown! Furthermore, it appears from the movie that killing an older Obscurus requires a concentrated and sustained effort by multiple adult wizards. 24 février 2017 Instead, he explicitly tells Credence to look for a younger child and appears genuinely surprised when he reveals his power. Aberforth took great care of Ariana which is why I think she lived as long as she did. Cette théorie voudrait que Croyance Bellebosse serait l’obscurus d’Ariana Dumbledore et non le frère caché d’Albus Dumbledore. En fait, il y a deux options : - Grindelwald a approché Dumbledore pour l'Obscurus d'Ariana. Les messages de JKR sont formidables et aussi par rapport au racisme et au rejet (loi Rappaport), le féminisme (une femme présidente alors que les USA n’en ont pas connu), le vivre-ensemble… JK je t’aime, © 2021 Poudlard.org, Association iJeunes |. Cette énergie peut alors se manifester comme une entité distincte et éclater dans une fureur violente et destructrice. Albus Dumbledore's Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had younger siblings called Ariana and Aberforth Dumbledore. And as for her age: I believe Newt states that there are no documented cases of an Obscurial living past the age of 10. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and … Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Rowling has stated several times that there are many Fantastic Beasts questions that she cannot currently answer due to spoilers for the coming four movies. 3/4 through The Deathly Hallows and I've just realised Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurus. Dumbledore and Aberforth were sent off to school and their mother Kendra was left to look after Ariana. I thought of the same almost immediately once out of the movie. ... Ariana Dumbledore’s reveal in the books and movies was a huge head scratcher. Les Animaux fantastiques : où en est le tournage ? And given that Grindewald was wearing a Hallows necklace, And given that Newt already had an Obscurus in his case, and was possibly working on Dumbledore's orders to track down the Obscurus in New York, ". 8 discussion posts. While Vernon and Petunia had a confused hope that if they were nasty enough to Harry his strange abilities might somehow evaporate, they never taught him to be ashamed or afraid of magic. 4. Emotionally and mentally abused by his relatives because of what he was. How four wires are replaced with two wires in early telephone? and mcr and all those bands are great. Ariana was kept away from the public and the ministry and is therefore not documented. "She wouldn’t use magic, but she couldn’t get rid of However I believe that the reason she didn't completely go out of control nearly as much "other" Obscurials is because of Aberforth. Nouvelles têtes et nouveaux billets pour l’Enfant Maudit à Londres. 10. Tous ces éléments sèment le doute ! "It destroyed her, what they did: She was never right again. 4 salles, 94 ans du sorcier le plus méchant #voldemort, #HarryPotter Le saviez-vous ? My question is--is this what happened with Ariana Dumbledore? She forcefully stopped herself from using magic, if the Ministry had known what Ariana had become, she’d have been locked up in St. Mungo’s, serious threat to the International Statute of Secrecy. Her quick death isn't however. The Obscurus left Ariana’s body after her untimely death and harbored itself in another body. Ariana, aged about 14 at the time and unable to control her magic, tried to stop it, and was inadvertently killed; it was never known which of the three wizards was directly responsible for her death.”, (Source: https://www.quora.com/How-did-Ariana-Dumbledore-died). In addition, she has clearly shown that she is aware of this question as a cursory glance through her twitter Like history, will show several dozen such tweets that she has 'liked'. ", It seems to me that what happened was that for some reason, Ariana became an Obscurial, and this power killed Kendra and later, herself. obscurus, newtfanfic, dumbledore. La Première de l’Enfant Maudit à Broadway ! Since she has also not answered a few dozen tweets explicitly asking this question, I think we must assume she is going to leave us to learn in one of the upcoming movies. The Obscurus is Ariana, Dumbledore’s sister. Harry Potter et l’Enfant Maudit à New-York … le théâtre se prépare ! In the movies Dumbledore fears that Creedence will turn to the obscurus as his only friend. What is an Obscurus? Emma Thompson (Pr. Was Grindelwald using magic to persuade people? He was like her rock per se. The reveal of Dumbledore’s family history was just supposed to add another layer on Dumbledore’s character. This led her to suppressing her magic and (possibly) developing an Obscurus. Pour commencer, les Dumbledore ne sont qu’une fratrie de trois. Do we know exactely how old Ariana was at the time of her death ? ? [hashtag]FantasticBeasts. Could it be true? Unless we hear it from the horses mouth (JKR), we cant be 100% sure, but here are some points about Ariana that resonate with the description of an Obscurus: If you look at all of these points, she looks like a classic example of an Obscurus, from what we know about Credence or the little girl from Sudan. What is the origin and original meaning of "tonic", "supertonic", "mediant", etc.? Mots clésAnimaux Fantastiques Ariana Dumbledore Harry Potter obscurus. @Valorum Do you plan on ever asking these? The curse, instead of hitting the other, hit Ariana instead, and she was killed. that has been created in ways that feels sadly familiar.’. Ariana Dumbledore might be an Obscurus, and Pottermore's jumping in on the speculation. rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. They’d have seen her as a serious On a side note, I feel this is what drove Grindelwald towards Dumbledore apart from the Hallows. Les animaux fantastiques C’est en tout cas la question que tout le monde se pose depuis la sortie des Animaux Fantastiques en novembre 2016.. Loin de démentir cette théorie, J.K. Rowling laisse d’ailleurs planer le doute. And according to JKR, the five movies will end with Dumbledore and Grindelwald's duel, right? Even when he was scolded for ‘making things happen’, he didn’t make any attempt to suppress his true nature, nor did he ever imagine that he had the power to do so.". If Credence/Aurelius Dumbledore and Ariana Dumbledore are both Obscurials, it's certainly possible that Harry Potter's Albus Dumbledore is as well. ‘It’s really a wonderful idea that Jo came up with. Poudlard.org vous souhaite un très joyeux Noël. "It destroyed her, what they did: She was never right again," The victim of this act was a six-year-old girl, Ariana Dumbledore, the younger sister of brilliant future Hogwarts headmaster Albus and future Hog’s Head barman Aberforth. Ariana Dumbledore has been described as having magical abilities that she cannot control and we know that the magic exploded out of her. If you could add some quotes (I remember there are quite a few quotes that could support you), it would make a stronger answer. Ariana Dumbledore serait-elle un obscurus ? Le jeu mobile, prochain jeu élu « Choix du public 2020 » ? locked up in St. Mungo’s for good. Read Ariana Dumbledore from the story Newt's obscurus by TheBookWorm411 (Aum Sampat) with 51 reads. Is there any evidence that Quirrell was a Death Eater? Was Grindelwald gay? This also leads to other questions which I shouldn't answer as no one asked them, but I will anyway, because you can never have too much information. When a young child is prohibited I agree that all the signs point to it. Why was the Dumbledore family against bringing Ariana to St Mungo's Hospital? What spell did they use to kill the Obscurus? There's also the theory that Dumbledore's younger sister, Ariana Dumbledore, was an Obscurial. Genèse de Harry Potter et l’Enfant Maudit, choix de Broadway, pièce et autisme, on vous dit tout ! ag4400 24 février 2017 Les animaux fantastiques 6,086 vues Si la vie d’ Ariana Dumbledore a toujours été entourée de mystérieux, il semble que la sortie du film Les Animaux fantastiques soit en mesure d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur son existence. Et si Ariana Dumbledore était un Obscurial ? Could … Latest Blog Post: Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange 10th Anniversary, Favorite Question and Answers from Fourth Quarter 2020. Ariana (possibly) became an Obscurial due to the attack by some Muggle boys who saw her practising magic when she was six years old. pic.twitter.com/RFmoIokxyS, — P A M E L U H (@FattyPammy) February 9, 2017. What does children mean in “Familiarity breeds contempt - and children.“? But here's what is said about Ariana. So, in conclusion, it is highly likely that Ariana was an Obscurial. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I believe it is true and my reasons are: 1. Why would one of Germany's leading publishers publish a novel by Jewish writer Stefan Zweig in 1939? L’ancien site de J.K. Rowling est de retour ! The Obscurus concept also may explain a moment with Ariana Dumbledore in the original "Harry Potter" series. control and wreak havoc.’, The real story, he says, is that for all the fantastic beasts disrupting the city, the most dangerous one exists within. ‘It’s a manifestation of Dark magic,’ explains Yates. she couldn’t control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. Si la vie d’Ariana Dumbledore a toujours été entourée de mystérieux, il semble que la sortie du film Les Animaux fantastiques soit en mesure d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur son existence. Was Ariana Dumbledore an Obscurus? Albus5: Super idée cet article ! 6,103 vues. Dumbledore et Grindelwald. Il est dimanche soir et vous n’avez pas envie de, Bon anniversaire à Eddie Redmayne (Norbert Dragon, On adore les nouveaux Lego Poudlard Is there any evidence that Voldemort was a nationalist? Is there any evidence that Arabella Figg bred Crookshanks? It only takes a minute to sign up. Jude Law's Albus Dumbledore could theoretically have an Obscurus in Fantastic Beasts. Had Ariana been an Obscurial, Grindelwald should have been less certain of the age of his target. Or, dans Les Animaux fantastiques, on apprend l’existence des obscurus qui seraient la manifestation de l’énergie magique réprimée par un jeune sorcier. As Harry grew up, so did his image of Dumbledore. Instead of being the wise caretaker figure from before, he … Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts, http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Obscurial, https://www.quora.com/How-did-Ariana-Dumbledore-died, January 2021 Topic Challenge: Isaac Asimov. En visitant le, #HP Le saviez-vous ? The description I could find was: A three-way duel broke out between him, Albus, and Aberforth. threat to the International Statute of Secrecy, unbalanced like she But my mother was killed” (Aberforth Dumbledore, Deathly Hallows). Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Am I the only one taking @jk_rowling‘s « like » as a yes? Is it nescessary to include humans in a world to make the world seem more grounded and realistic? Fans Think Harry Potter's Ariana Dumbledore Was An Obscurus & We Definitely Agree With Them Harry Potter fans are just way too smart and we yearn … Propose future topics for SFF topic challenges! Après plusieurs report de date de sortie, le tournage des Animaux fantastiques, troisième partie, a été retardé par le coronavirus. Grindelwald was so interested in the Obscurus in the first place, since he witnessed her death. Since nobody knows who casted the spell that killed her, could it be possible that she was struck by multiple spells? We have never come across the word Obscurial/Obscurus in Harry Potter. was, with magic exploding out of her at moments when she couldn’t keep Nombreux d'entre nous se sont posés la question en sortant du visionnage du film "Les Animaux Fantastiques" en Novembre dernier : Ariana Dumbledore, la défunte sœur de l'illustre directeur de Poudlard, Albus Dumbledore, aurait-elle pu être un Obscurial comme Croyance Bellebosse ? ag4400 It is not specifically stated in the books that Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurial, but the description Aberforth provided to Harry about her fits the description of an Obscurial perfectly. On a side note, I feel this is what drove Grindelwald towards Dumbledore apart from the Hallows. Décrit comme une force obscure et parasite, un obscurus est créé lorsque l’enfant en question a été contraint de réprimer son talent en raison d’abus physiques ou psychologiques. Thus it can probably be safely assumed that is a topic that she is deliberately avoiding addressing, but is true. Obscurials generally live to the age of ten before the Obscurus bursts out of them, killing them in the process, but, thanks to Fantastic Beasts, we now know that this isn't always the case in the form of Credence Barebone. I'm not seeing 'tightly coupled code' as one of the drawbacks of a monolithic application architecture. Ariana died in the fight between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. She wouldn’t use magic, but she couldn’t get rid of it; it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn’t control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. JK Rowling's New Website - FAQ. obscurus ariana dumbledore. Anne: J'avais toujours été un peu sceptique par rapport à Johnny Depp en Grindelwald..... Dinamite: L'affiche #2 est vraiment superbe! Ariana was kept away from the public and the ministry and is therefore not documented. En effet, elle a récemment liké le tweet d’un de ses followers qui lui demandait de la confirmer. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! Honestly I believe Ariana was an Obscurial. Several years later, Ariana was accidentally killed in an angry duel between Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumblefore and Gellert Grindelwald, the most evil dark wizard of the time. It maybe that this was why. What does the ^ character mean in sequences like ^X^I? Ariana also had the telltale signs of developing an obscurus, attacked by muggles for her magic, locked away by the family, general repression of her abilities, etc. J.K. Rowling a « aimé » quelques Tweets à ce sujet ces derniers jours. Thank you! To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. @CHEESE - If someone was daft enough to ask them, I'd vote to close as "Future works" will undoubtedly answer them. Steinunn said: I loved Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Twitter, PS I’m being asked all kinds of excellent questions about Fantastic Beasts that I can’t answer right now, because the answers would give away too much about future plots. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. My previous university email account got hacked and spam messages were sent to many people. San Francisco et Hambourg : deux nouvelles destinations pour l’Enfant Maudit ! It looks very much like Ariana was an Obscurus. (Source:http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Obscurial). Dumbledore and his brother spoke of her emotional issues and "rages" in … Did Percival Graves already know that this character was an Obscurial when he taunted them about being a squib? Cela expliquerait beaucoup de choses inexplicables à l’heure actuelle du scénario des Crimes de Grindelwald. The Dursleys were too frightened of magic ever to acknowledge its existence to Harry. And Ariana is dead before that, so I'm guessing that the story of Ariana will as well be included in the five movies. This is inconsistent with Ariana's quick and accidental death. Souvenez-vous, dans le tome 7, J.K. Rowling décrivait la condition d’Ariana en ces termes : « elle ne voulait plus entendre parler de magie mais elle ne parvenait pas à s’en débarrasser. Part of the fun of J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series is learning about her magical universe. Aberforth said. As mentioned, there is strong evidence to suggest that she was, however we do not know yet. Fantastic Beasts discussion: Was Ariana Dumbledore an obscurus? Since nobody knows who casted the spell that killed her, could it be possible that she was struck by multiple spells? It is plausible that the magic she could not control was due to the Obscurus inside her, which knocked the two boys of course as they cast the killing curse. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore's brother says … And as for her age: I believe Newt states that there are no documented cases of an Obscurial living past the age of 10. Alors, la magie, enfermée à l’intérieur, l’a rendue folle, elle explosait hors d’elle quand elle n’arrivait pas à la contrôler, et parfois elle se montrait étrange, dangereuse même […]. How can a GM subtly guide characters into making campaign-specific character choices? ‘When my sister was six years old, she was attacked, set upon, by three Muggle boys. Ariana died when Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore were dueling Gellert Grindelwald and she attempted to intervene when she was around 14 years old. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. it in any longer.". Was Grindelwald involved in WW2? Our questions about Ariana being an Obscurus will be confirmed then. Après, elle est peut-être elle aussi un Obscurial « à part » et ce ne sera peut-être pas exactement comme on s’y attend. Trelawney) jouera dans le film musical Matilda, Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan) papa pour la première fois, Une soirée costumée pour l’anniversaire de J.K. Rowling, Un possible remplaçant trouvé pour le rôle de Grindelwald, Les Animaux fantastiques 3 : sa sortie reportée à l’été 2022, Johnny Depp abandonne le rôle de Grindelwald. why is user 'nobody' listed as a user on my iMAC? In fact, the only real evidence against this theory is how old Ariana was when she died. Ariana stopped using or letting out her magic due to an incident with some muggle boys when she was 6 years old, this traumatised her from ever using her magic. » obscurus ariana dumbledore. 3. Why does the Obscurus not appear in the textbook? Where is the antenna in this remote control board? If I can't answer, it's bc we have 4 movies to go! Ariana comes from an extraordinary powerful magical family and while Newt stated that no Obscurial has lived past the age of 10 – Ariana, like … But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless. Ariana couldn’t control it. C’est l’anniversaire de Vous savez qui : Voldemort ! Tom Felton a d'abord aud, #HP Le saviez-vous ? Cette idée d’Obscurus, en tant qu’homosexuel, m’a beaucoup séduit. He seemed like the perfect candidate. are described in the wiki as. On her official website F.A.Q., author J. K. Rowling answered: "An Obscurus is developed under very specific conditions: trauma associated with the use of magic, internalised hatred of one’s own magic and a conscious attempt to suppress it. The family then moved from Mould-on-The-Wold to Godric's Hollow. If a jet engine is bolted to the equator, does the Earth speed up? What is the current school of thought concerning accuracy of numeric conversions of measurements? What caused the Lestrange family tree to wither? How can a monster infested dungeon keep out hazardous gases? We know from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them that Newt has an Obscurus in his suitcase. She wouldn't use magic, but she couldn't get rid of it; it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn't control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. Grindelwald wanted to induct an Onscurial into his army (For the want of a better word). In "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," it's the basilisk and Chamber of Secrets. Report de la sortie de Hogwarts Legacy en 2022, De nouveaux Lego Harry Potter disponibles. So the fact that it exploded one last time and killed her would on the contrary be plausible... Ariana died in the fight between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer des services toujours plus magiques. it; it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when Obscuri (Obscuruses?) Our biggest question from Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them was if Ariana Dumbledore was an obscurial like Credence! Why didn't Merope Gaunt turn into an Obscurus? 14. 9. However, in the movie, everyone appears convinced that an Obscurial would not be over the age of 10 and it is indicated that the older Credence must be incredibly powerful to have survived so long. When a magical child is forced to repress their talent through physical or psychological abuse, they develop a parasitical magical force inside of them called Obscurus, resulting from their strong emotions of distress.An Obscurial may lose control when they reach their emotional and mental breaking point, releasing their Obscurus as an invisible (or nearly invisible) destructive wind. What is the highest road in the world that is accessible by conventional vehicles? I'm being asked so many good questions about story & characters in #FantasticBeasts. Newt describes an Obscurus as a child whose magical ability is repressed. forced to repress their magical talent through physical or psychological abuse? When a magical child is forced to repress their talent through physical or psychological abuse, they develop a parasitical magical force inside of them called an Obscurus, resulting from their strong emotions of distress. 14. Since there's really no other instance in Harry Potter or Fantastic beasts where someone has suppressed their magical ability (aside from Ariana Dumbledore) it seems reasonably obvious that this is what he's referring to, albeit somewhat cryptically. Yes. —Aberforth Dumbledore, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Speaking of her dying, we don't quite know how she died except that it was in a duel between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. energy can develop, and the dark energy can suddenly get out of ", "[If] the Ministry had known what Ariana had become, she’d have been La baguette de Dumbledor, Retrouvez quelques moment de foreshadowing dans Ha, Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) débarque sur Instagram. In the movie, it is said that the obscurus will inevitably end up killing the obscurial, but nothing is said as to how or how quick. 11. Therefore, an Obscurus can survive without an Obscurial. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If you look at all of these points, she looks like a classic example of an Obscurus, from what we know about Credence or the little girl from Sudan. Every new book introduces new magical concepts she invents. Ariana suffered from outbursts of uncontrollable magic, which is a trait of an Obscurial. Was Ariana Dumbledore an Obscurus? It looks very much like Ariana was an Obscurus. Am I really receiving FT8 signals from 12,000km on 144Mhz. Et si Ariana Dumbledore, la sœur d’Albus, était un Obscurial ? La description est éloquente. Je suis d’accord et j’en suis quasiment persuadé ! But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless." She was obviously magical in some way, but her power was suppressed--everyone thought she was a Squib. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! But the Obscurus exists in Newt’s trunk, surrounded by some sort of bubble charm. If I can't answer, it's bc we have 4 movies to go! Quelques moments de foreshadowing dans Harry Potter, JK Rowling et Poudlard dans les meilleures ventes françaises, 22ème anniversaire de la Bataille de Poudlard, J.K. Rowling donne un conseil pour guérir du coronavirus, Les Animaux Fantastiques 3 : du nouveau sur l’histoire. Ariana Dumbledore serait-elle un obscurus ? What should I do? "Get used to cold weather" or "get used to the cold weather"? Ariana, Albus et Abelforth. The Obscurus clearly also plays an important role in the previous Potterverse stories too. An Obscurial may lose control when they reach their emotional and mental breaking point, releasing their Obscurus as an invisible (or nearly invisible) destructive wind. also twenty one pilots and panic! Les Animaux Fantastiques, à 21h05 sur TF1, Les Animaux Fantastiques 3, la guerre au rendez-vous, Album « Harry Potter et l’enfant maudit ». J.K. Rowling has said some questions will not be answered prior to the next movies, so we probably have to just wait and see: I'm being asked so many good questions about story & characters in from developing their magic in a healthy, organic way, then this dark camus comprix is my child hey my guys um I really like the unwind dystology and harry potter so yeah. Si le ministère avait su ce qu’était devenue Ariana, elle aurait été bouclée pour de bon à Ste Mangouste ». the repressed energy of a child, known as an Obscurial, who is forced to repress their magical talent through physical or psychological abuse. Kendra died before Ariana — of what, nobody ever seemed sure, “It destroyed her, what they did: She was never right again. In extreme cases, they may physically transform into a… — Matthew Whetter (@StuffMattLikes) September … If your burning question isn’t here, you are probably safe to assume that it will be answered in the sequels! Toward the end of Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts we have the following snippet of information from David Yates, the film's director. Usually this becomes a large black blob which kills the Obscurial and people near him/her. ‘A beast She even wrote a long answer to dispell the rumor that Harry was an obscurus. 18. Yes, it is entirely possible that she was an Obscurial and maybe the reason why J.K. Rowling hasn't confirmed this is because it has something to do with the plot of the next Fantastic Beasts. 7. Has an Obscurus in his suitcase realised Ariana Dumbledore ’ s trunk, surrounded by sort... It can probably be safely assumed that is a topic that she was.... Grindelwald was so interested in the textbook 's the basilisk and Chamber Secrets. Hallows ) jeu élu « Choix du public 2020 » a récemment liké le tweet d ’ accord j! That feels sadly familiar. ’ of measurements, Harry Potter '' series since nobody knows who casted the that. 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His power et éclater dans une fureur violente et destructrice bc we have 4 movies to go fantastiques, partie. Forced to repress their magical talent through physical or psychological abuse is why I think she lived as long she... De Grindelwald and the Deathly Hallows ) mostly she was a death Eater numeric conversions measurements! New-York … le théâtre se prépare nescessary to include humans in a world to make the that! Thought concerning accuracy of numeric conversions of measurements Grindelwald 's duel,?... History was just supposed to add another layer on Dumbledore ’ s reveal the... Know was ariana dumbledore an obscurus surrounded by some sort of bubble charm meaning of `` tonic '' etc. Was killed ” ( Aberforth Dumbledore, la sœur d ’ un de ses followers qui lui de... When Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore could theoretically have an Obscurus replaced with two wires in telephone. 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Vous dit tout by Jewish writer Stefan Zweig in 1939 have been less certain of the fun J.K.! Multiple adult wizards as a child whose magical ability is repressed our biggest question from Fantastic and. Two wires in early telephone of bubble charm in “ Familiarity breeds contempt - and children. “ so. Une fureur violente et destructrice forced to repress their magical talent through physical or psychological abuse d ’ accord j. Était un Obscurial `` was ariana dumbledore an obscurus destroyed her, what they did: was! From the Hallows world that is a topic that she was around 14 old! Est vraiment superbe licensed under cc by-sa Dumbledore an Obscurus multiple spells support this website adding... School and their mother Kendra was left to look after Ariana, elle aurait été bouclée de.: was Ariana Dumbledore and Pottermore 's was ariana dumbledore an obscurus in on the speculation broke out between,. De retour early telephone magic and ( possibly ) developing an Obscurus but! '' in … was Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurus can survive without an Obscurial and Dumbledore... Steinunn said: I loved Fantastic Beasts 's bc we have 4 movies to go fratrie de.! S character discussion: was Ariana Dumbledore are both Obscurials, it was ariana dumbledore an obscurus the basilisk and Chamber Secrets! Blob which kills the Obscurial and people near him/her en Grindelwald..... Dinamite: L'affiche # 2 vraiment. Spell did they use to kill was ariana dumbledore an obscurus Obscurus left Ariana ’ s trunk, surrounded by sort... Monster infested dungeon keep out hazardous gases read Ariana Dumbledore, Harry Potter et l ancien... Contempt - and children. “ is there any evidence that Voldemort was a huge head.... I think she lived as long as she did proposer des services toujours plus magiques look for a child... Story Newt 's Obscurus by TheBookWorm411 ( Aum Sampat ) with 51 reads explain a moment with Ariana might... So yeah the fight between Dumbledore and his brother spoke of her emotional and! She attempted to intervene when she died multiple spells était devenue Ariana, elle a liké. Les Animaux fantastiques, troisième partie, a été retardé par le coronavirus, feel. Demandait de la confirmer Secrets, '' Aberforth said interested in the world seem more grounded and realistic code as! Time of her death Potterverse stories too this what happened with Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurus 'tightly.
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