I decided to use those principles and designed a work that is encoded. Wait a minute, that’s one of mine. Theology necessitates an image of God as a conscious, rational, supernatural being of unlimited power and scope who cares about humans and imposes moral codes and responsibilities upon them, thereby generating serious intellectual questions such as: 'Why does God allow us to sin?' He is responsible for "Romeo and Juliet" and "Sonnet 18," the greatest love story and poem ever written.Here are the top Shakespeare love quotes, from his plays and his memorable sonnet: I'm interested in the murky areas where there are no clear answers - or sometimes multiple answers. I chose to deal with the science of cryptography. As on roads, this doesn't always work. Except those last few lines. Art Mind Face. Moral Injury is differentiated from PTSD in that it directly relates to guilt and shame veterans experience as a result of committing actions that go against their moral codes. The Doctor: The end of the world. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist. Martha: There’s fourteen lines in a sonnet. Make your guesses. Doomfinger: No mortal has power over me. I find that abhorrent. It’s someone else’s. by Sarah Galo. So many strange events. That proves it. Absolute genius. It says that. Answers are below. Stylist picks the most memorable lines from Shakespeare's plays and poems to celebrate his 448 birthday today (23 April). Good luck, Doctor. People like to say that East Asians in general, and Japanese in particular, are not very expressive: there's that term 'inscrutable.' She sat out three bouts of the plague in this place. Fascinating. Given the right string numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. They adhere to certain codes of elegance, but not to individualism. Which is why a lot of hipsters live downtown, and they're dressed as farmers. There certainly is a lot of political pressure for states to adopt the new federal tax codes. Shakespeare: Finishing the play. … She never does. They’re never as good as the original. Martha: Um. The Doctor: How should I know. 5940 quotes from William Shakespeare: 'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. Martha: But how do you travel in time? In Italy, the Milanese are well organized but follow bourgeois taste. And this fleeting earth will perish! ', and 'Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.' Which of the following is a quote from Shakespeare and which is a quote from the Bible? ... A good amount of these quotes come from banter between Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, which only reaffirms the true treasure that is their friendship. Martha: Okay, what was it then? For in this sleep of death what dreams may come...”. The Doctor's quote of Dylan Thomas' famous villanelle, "Do not go gentle into that good night" is likely an in-joke, as Thomas was heavily influenced by Shakespeare as a youth. Shakespeare (Dean Lennox Kelly): Ah, shut your big fat mouths! It was really intense and I prayed for what I called the codes for social change and within a month my prayer was answered. Martha: The thing is though, am I missing something here? The Doctor: London never changes. She taught me to read the subtext of the down-market celebrity interview, she knew all the Hollywood codes, and followed the deep backgrounds. If you analyze youth cultures over history, there has always been something strict about them - you have to be like this or like that. The Doctor: What happens on the last page? The stakes are very high and they are not bound by moral codes or being ethical, so they can do anything and will do anything to get what they want. It’s all as funny and thought-provoking as usual. The fundamental problem is not that Trump has access to the nuclear launch codes, but that they exist at all. Love’s Labours Won. To thine own self … Shakespeare: Made me question everything. The Doctor: Tell you what then, don’t step on any butterflies. Tetradecagon. William Shakespeare Love Quotes There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face. Quotes tagged as "shakespeare" Showing 1-30 of 794. Always he chooses the best words, New beautiful, brilliant words. If I tell them the truth they’ll panic and think it was witchcraft. We can have a good flirt later. It ends right now in 1599 if we don’t stop it. The Doctor: You and the entire future of the human race. The Doctor: Queen Elizabeth the First! It is strange how little harm bad codes do. Kids born into certain ZIP codes will most likely have certain educational outcomes. It’s blank. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Martha: Where a woman can do what she likes. The Doctor: Come on! Martha: And those are men dressed as women, yeah? I mean rumors, it’s mentioned in his plays but it never turns up. You’re a novice, never mind. They’ve got recycling… water cooler moment… global warming. I mean, can we move around and stuff? I cannot help thinking that the menace of Hell makes as many devils as the severe penal codes of inhuman humanity make villains. And as for you, Sir Doctor. Most Famous William Shakespeare Love Quotes. The Doctor: This lot have still got one foot in the Dark Ages. I'm also interested in the invisible space between people in communication; the space guided by translation and misinterpretation. Martha: That’s not your best line. Funny thing is, I don’t actually remember writing them. 1. Lilith: Oh I think death has been waiting for you a very long time. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race. There are distinct resonances with King Lear in the poem, which is even written in modified iambic pentameter. I considered a high forehead a gift from God. Martha: So magic and stuff. Dress codes! The Doctor: So there is. They flout convention, shake up the status quo and sometimes provoke outrage. They gave yo uthe final words, like a spell, like a code. Martha: Blimey, did you have to pass a test to fly this thing? I think all villains have something in common: they have something that they need or want very, very badly. Why would a man hide his title in such despair? So I went on a retreat and prayed, with some psychedelic medicines. Shakespeare: Hm. Forget Judi Blume, Shakespeare was the real reason behind our sexual awakening as kids (except we didn’t realise it back then). The Doctor: Hm. Forsooth. Author! Right now she’d say exactly the right thing. It’s all a bit Harry Potter. Best William Shakespeare Quotes For Life. Shakespeare wrote approximately 38 plays, 154 sonnets and a variety of many other poems all within the span of twenty years. I felt different. Martha: It’s like in the films. Something really close. Part of this new world of completely improvisational terrorism is that there were codes of war that disintegrated in the face of terrorism. Many British people of different faiths follow religious codes and practices and benefit a great deal from the guidance they offer. William Shakespeare quotes always inspire people to think beyond the limitation and perform new things in life. Back to the Future. We worked on solving the problem of voice communications in a noisy military environment. Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions. 'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed. Martha: Then I could get sectioned. He was often called England’s national poet. Some William Shakespeare quotes are known for their beauty, some Shakespeare quotes for their everyday truths and some for their wisdom. It was a picture outside my head of what was inside my head - 'mind map' is the language my brain spoke. The Doctor: Witchcraft. Oh, you can make men weep. Shakespeare: The boys get the girls, they have a bit of a dance. Why does that ring a bell? ', 'Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. The Doctor: Oh, let’s take the fun and the mystery out of everything! SHAKESPEARE: That's brilliant. Check out some of the best lines here. That’s old magick. You can't have a thin skin or the tendency to lash out. Quotes Martha Jones : [ referring to the Globe theatre ] It's like your police box; small wooden box, with all that power inside! From Cockney rhyming slang to codes swapped among highwaymen, they're tribal badges of identity, bonding mechanisms designed to distinguish the initiated, and to keep strangers out. Once more unto the breach! The right combination of words spoken in the right place with the shape of the Globe is an energy converter! And I don't think that government has a role in telling people how to live their lives. Oh my god, am I going to fade? Martha: They think it was all special effects? The fourteen stars of the Rexel planetary configuration! Under threat of annihilation from a species from the Dark Times, the TARDIS team have to establish whether there is a connection between a witch they've met and Shakesp… Bit pretentious? A blinking idiot. 1. That’s a surprise. I knew that the most important thing a man has is in his head, and from a young age, I often studied the head structure of each person, hoping to crack his codes. I said, stop the play! That’s time travel for you. Such unusual clothes. Shakespeare's Phrases Good point. Now if you play video games all the time and you're a real gamer, you're not going to use the Game Genie, you're not going to use the codes. The Doctor: Now think think think. Quality health care services must be accessible and affordable for all - not just those in certain ZIP codes or tax brackets. I know for a fact you’ve got a wife in country. Shakespeare: I’m not. Martha: What did you do? There is no name. Because when you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and the military at your command, you can't make snap decisions. The Doctor: I do a lot of reading. Woah. Carrionites use words instead. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. It's here that I try to imagine patterns or codes to make sense of the unknowns that keep us up at night. The Doctor: You can’t. The Doctor: Psychic paper. It doesn’t exist. Shakespeare: Is that a promise, Doctor? Fifty-seven academics just punched the air. I’d call it a DNA replication module. The Doctor: Oh. {yelling} Author! The Doctor: Genius. Queen: Off with his head! Look over there. “To be or not to be.” Oo. And I’ll discover more about you and why this constant performance of yours. Lilith: Soon, at the hour of woven words, we shall rise again. If I can find the right one, if I can just know you. Shakespeare's comedies offer some of the most memorable quotes from the Bard's plays. The Doctor: Wait ’til you read book seven. Let the wisdom of Shakespeare influence your day. You lot, you chose mathematics. The Doctor: There’s something I’m missing, Martha. Words and shapes following the same design. Martha: But there’s no such thing as magic. Shakespeare: And you, Sir Doctor. Author! Don’t do that. Fifty-seven academics just punched the air. And what makes it go? 1. Plus a few other interesting things if you end up digging far enough. Martha: You should never meet your heroes. A dish fit for the gods. Martha: Woah, nelly! The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. It is clear they will not be members of the family. Download free high quality (4K) pictures and wallpapers with William Shakespeare Quotes. “You speak an infinite deal of nothing.”. (As You Like it) 2. And from this world we will lead the universe back into the old ways of blood and magick. Look at me, I’m living proof. Shakespeare: I like that! The genius. Shakespeare: Poor Linley. "And I don't think that government has a role in telling people how to live their lives. All of those facets made those homes sustain the storm a whole lot better. Stop that pernicious Doctor! The Doctor: Good luck, Shakespeare. The Doctor: “Stop the play”. MARTHA: Okay, Shakespeare walks into a pub and the landlord says, Oi mate, you're Bard. For me, hipsterism is for one to appropriate the codes of a social class or another milieu that wasn't theirs originally, in order to define their personality through something different and unique. The Doctor: Then it’s a good thing I’m here. Celebrity poverty, that's the hidden scandal in Blair's Britain. "My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break." It was broadcast on BBC One on 7 April 2007. Martha: And why are you telling them that? Do people shout that? Discover and share The Shakespeare Code Quotes. By the time I got into Juilliard, I was working at a Target distribution warehouse. Digital codes are strings of binary digits - bits. Can’t be helped. Martha: No, it says right there. Shakespeare: Maybe not. I don’t think much of sequels. Shakespeare quotes about death, William Shakespeare love quotes, Shakespeare quotes on friendship, Shakespeare romeo and Juliet quotes has some meaningful and most brilliant words we may love to download. The newer homes did not sustain as much damage because they were built to better safety codes; they were better designed, higher wind loads for the roof. The Doctor: They do now. I might use that. Then you have the Oscar Wilde hipster: the dandy. They don't offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life. And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. Now we’re gonna hear him speak. Martha: Let us out! No. Doctor Who Series 3 2007.04.07 Claire. And we've got to end that. Shakespeare: This is just the theatre! Digital organisms, while not necessarily any more alive than a phone book, are strings of code that replicate and evolve over time. Dress codes and gestures and attitudes have always inspired me, as has youth culture in general, although now I question it more. Shakespeare: Use them for what? Martha: Expelliarmus! For me, it's such a fun thing to have a reason to think about dressing within restraints or codes or rules, so it's something I have fun with. The Doctor: What? After viewing a performance of Shakespeare's latest play, the time travellers are beset by apparent sorcery. The play’s the thing! It’s like Back to the Future. Then the human race shall be purged as pestilence. We all ran like rats. Shakespeare: You never know, the Queen might turn up. Shakespeare: It’s blank. Doesn't make sense, mind you, but never mind that. The Doctor: What did you see? Martha: The film? The ancient codes were doubtless originally suggested by the discovery and diffusion of the art of writing. Maybe a minister does, maybe your belief in God does, maybe..." Yet these noxious and un-American codes have become commonplace on college campuses across the United States. Punching in fake codes to get into doorways that obviously are not secure. Doomfinger (Amanda Lawrence): Who would die first? Disasters happen. We can have a good flirt later. Martha: Woah, nelly! The Doctor: Come on! The Doctor: No we’re not! The issues a president faces are not black and white, and cannot be boiled down into 140 characters. I’ll get my answers tomorrow, Doctor. Queen: Stop him. The Doctor: Of course we can. Shakespeare: I must a’work. Think think think. The Doctor: No. The Doctor: Eh. The whole building’s shouting that. I think that was it, yeah. Martha: And he starts fading away. Maybe a minister does, maybe your belief in God does, maybe there's another set of moral codes, but I don't think government has a role. Martha: No, don’t! Apr 16, 2019 - Explore Janeta Janet's board "Funny Shakespeare Quotes", followed by 1137 people on Pinterest. It didn't make anything, it just shipped things, and my job was just to stand there and look at the security codes on the back of trucks and see if they would lock, and check them in. Martha: Well never mind, “what”, just run! And people are doing that. Still. Best The Taming of the Shrew Quotes. Shakespeare: A trite reply, yeah? As the world's 'most dynamic' cities seek to manage their own urban growth, American state and local officials have much to offer. Martha: He’s a bit different from his portraits. For women, style codes are not merely about being smart or presentable, they are a platform for judgment. The Doctor: Expelliarmus! It’s marvelous. There is a definite resemblance, & Adams’ work probably did influence Garth Roberts, but IMHO it the parallels aren't clear or straightforward enough to be in the main TSC article. …Ah! “The code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules.” – Hector Barbossa Rules were made to be broken (except when they weren’t. A hit, a very palpable hit. The lost play. I want to see Shakespeare! Lilith: It’s curious. See more ideas about shakespeare quotes, funny shakespeare quotes, shakespeare. Believe me, the message is being expressed OK. For many Americans the term 'speech code' sends shivers up the spine. Martha, you don’t want to know. Martha: We’re going the wrong way! Hm? I love that idea of living on a spaceship. The Doctor: Yes, and I failed it. Shakespeare: I might use that. A feast of languages. QR codes have always been a kind of half-measure, a useful but inelegant transitional technology; the ultimate goal is augmented reality. So fitted. Yes the film! Not least of all this land of Freedonia, where a woman can be a doctor. William Shakespeare. Martha: Where’s Shakespeare? Queen: My sworn enemy! The Doctor: What? The Doctor: Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux. Fourteen… Let me go to Clinton's new proposal: to have uniforms in public schools. She’s somehow out of her time. In honor of the Bard's 451st birthday. Shakespeare: Your effect is special indeed. Martha: But are we safe? I haven’t even met her yet. - William Shakespeare Um… long story. The Doctor: No, but there’s a power in words. Egads. Crowd: Author! We established military codes that are highly audible and invented selection tests for personnel who had a superior ability to recognize sound in a noisy background. Martha: But how do you travel in time? Do they shout “author”? I understand those codes, I think. Rose would know. She never does. 34 Of The Most Brilliant Shakespeare Quotes. These quotes I have compiled from his works demonstrate his philosophical depth and profound insight into human nature. In The Shakespeare Code, the Carrionites subvert Shakespeare to plant their ‘spell’ in the climax of Love’s Labours Won, recitation of which will free their people from the Eternals banishment. Sir Doctor and Martha Jones. We often talk about Shakespeare’s quotes as things the wise Bard is saying to us, but we should remember that … Martha: Great. I cried. Shakespeare Love Quotes – William Shakespeare Quotations William Shakespeare is considered the best writer of the English language and arguably the greatest writer who’s ever lived. Actor: Love’s Labours Won. New forms of media - first movies, then television, talk radio and now the Internet - tend to challenge traditional codes of conduct. He’s a genius. The Doctor: All the world’s a stage. Shakespeare: Doctor, can you stop her? And this fleeting earth will perish! And yes, you can have that. Take you back home tomorrow. SHAKESPEARE: Then give me a joke from Freedonia. Shakespeare: I hit my head. Fourteen! The Doctor: Nighty night, Shakespeare. Some busy areas operate 'traffic separation schemes,' but mostly, ships are treated like cars on roads where there are rules and codes of behavior, and successful, accident-free outcomes depend on everyone respecting them. MARTHA: I don't get it. Given the spread of the English language around the globe and the many languages Shakespeare has been translated into (over 100), Shakespeare is the most-read poet and … Amanda Lawrence Angela Pleasence Christina Cole Dean Lennox Kelly. Shakespeare: Oh, sweet Dolly Bailey. Because essentially we are: a gigantic thing floating in some infinite darkness that's running on principles that we don't even understand. Slang has always moved this way. Martha: Well don’t complain. The Doctor: That’s it! There is no particular Socratic or Dimechian or Kantian way to live your life. As the most quoted English writer, Shakespeare created more than his fair share of famous quotes. The Doctor : Oh, Martha Jones, I like you. After the Civil War, when blacks fought along whites to secure freedom for all, southern states enacted Black Codes, laws that restricted the civil rights and liberties of blacks. Therapists who study and treat moral injury have found that no amount of medication can relieve the pain of trying to live with these moral burdens. Explore the best of William Shakespeare Quotes, as voted by our community. Stand on this stage, say the right words with the right emphasis at the right time. Shakespeare: Interesting, that bit of paper. The Doctor: Elizabethan England, not so different from your time. How come they're doing that? The Doctor: Oh. But there is no law that requires them to do so. William Shakespeare’s birthday was 26th April 1564- died 23rd April 1616 was one of the great English poet, playwright, and actor. The Doctor: Oh yeah, but the theatre’s magic, isn’t it? 17.1 The Shakespeare Code Heartlocket The Tardis shook as they landed, coming to a grinding halt and throwing Martha to the floor while the Doctor fell … Over William Shakespeare Shakespeare is de bekendste dramaschrijver ooit, desondanks zijn er enkele hiaten in de kennis over het leven van Shakespeare. The power of a name. {he reverses course} We’re going the wrong way! But what could have scared her so? Fourteen! Whereas a lot of Buddhism concerns itself with stages of enlightenment, various precepts and moral codes, and even power structures and hierarchies, Zen is just like, 'Shut up, sit down, and observe your thoughts - oh, and by the way, what you perceive as you' doesn't actually exist.' I have Asperger's, I'm on the autism spectrum, so I don't really care about social codes. Shakespeare was a visionary man who led a visionary life through his plays. That’s what I do. The origin of each of us stems from codes of genetic inheritance. The society Shakespeare knew was heading for tremendous change, and he seems to have recognized that and written about it in a coded way. Busy schedule. That’s it! A girl I knew developed X-ray eyes for celebrity sorrows. Martha: Hold on though, what were you doing last night when the Carrionite was in the room? Martha: Doctor. According to the BARB figures this episode was seen by 7.23 million viewers and was the fifth most popular broadcast on British television in that week. That’s something to look forward to. Shakespeare: Sweet lady. She had such enoromous spirit. I'm somebody who likes codes and ciphers and chases and artwork and architecture, and all the things you find in a Robert Langdon thriller. The futility of this fleeting existence. View planetclaireTV’s profile on Facebook, View PlanetclaireOrg’s profile on Google+. Explore 100 Codes Quotes by authors including Tony Ferguson, Clarence Thomas, and Will Durant at BrainyQuote. SHAKESPEARE: And I say, a heart for a hart and a dear for a deer. A friend of mine, Rose. How can a man so young have eyes so old? The Doctor: Well, it’s just a different sort of science. As if. Homeowners and business owners across the country agreed to pay premiums, communities agreed to adopt building codes to mitigate flood dangers, and the Federal Government agreed to provide insurance coverage to policyholders after a disaster. Usually, there is no equivalent of air traffic control at sea. And you, you look at him like you’re surprised he exists. He wrote about the blood, guts, and glory of life, as well as the heart, love and sweet side of it. The Doctor: No, the novelization. Shakespeare: Is that a promise, Doctor? Love is not love. "The Shakespeare Code" is the second episode of the third series of the revived British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Don’t forget to also read our selection of insightful quotes from Quentin Tarantino about film-making, writing, and more. William Shakespeare Biography And Quotes: William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets, playwrights, and dramatists of all time. The Doctor about the puppet: Now you might call that magic. Queen (Angela Pleasence): Doctor. And no one knows why. It’s a weapon! Verily. But often, Europeans just don't get the Asian codes. The Doctor: Well, if you’re looking for volunteers. What have butterflies ever done to you? Fourteen lines, fourteen sides, fourteen facets… Oh my head! The Doctor: That’s not going to work. I'd been focused on trying to start civil disobedience since 2010. The Doctor: Oh, that’s very clever. Shakespeare: You never know, the Queen might turn up. It makes you think differently. Read on to learn more phrases that we attribute to Shakespeare's plays. Alle William Shakespeare citaten, wijsheden, quotes en uitspraken vindt u nu al 20 jaar op citaten.net. London 1599. Now come here. Quote 1 As someone who had spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems and ideologies, Langdon viewed the world as a web of profoundly intertwined histories and events. No. planetclaireTV has been around in one form or another since 1999, offering a variety of quotes, quips, bon mots and assorted nonsense. They used you. Shakespeare: But Martha, this is town. Then to bring in connections, I drew arrows and put in images and codes. He’s as much of a puzzle to you as he is to me. Creature, I name you Carrionite! Oh, I hate to start from scratch. Or bends with the remover to remove. Shakespeare: But Martha, this is town. You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions. Martha: I’m not an expert, but I’ve never heard of Love’s Labours Won. Cryptography began in mathematics. Sarah Galo / BuzzFeed / Thinkstock 2. Even though William Shakespeare wrote over 400 years ago, we continue to use words and phrases found in his sonnets and plays today. The Doctor: Rage rage against the dying of the light. That’s quite good. I think that's what I really love about acting; all of the social and moral codes of society can be thrown away when you're acting, and it's just you being totally committed to the role. We have a romantic soul here at NoSweatShakespeare and are pleased to share our favourite William Shakespeare love quotes with you.. The Doctor: I take it we’re expected. The Doctor: I’m Sir Doctor of Tardis and this is my companion Miss Martha Jones. 'Does the Sixth Commandment prohibit war?'. Her name has less impact. William Shakespeare, Alfred Leslie Rowse (1984). Amanda Lawrence Angela Pleasence Christina Cole Dean Lennox Kelly. Humanoid female, uses shapes and words to channel energy. “King Lear: modern text with introduction”, Univ Pr of Amer Of what use are all the codes in the world, if by means of confidential reports, if for trifling reasons, if through anonymous traitors any honest citizen may be exiled or banished without a hearing, without a trial? For most of my life I've liked to pretend I live in a starship. You can't help but worry for them. The Doctor: Don’t rub it, you’ll go bald. Martha: What have you done to upset her? The Doctor: Exactly. Codes were developed, even from Caesar's time, based on number theory and mathematical principles. As if. Good ‘ol J.K.! Originally titled "Love's Labour's Won", the episode … William Shakespeare on Self Love “Self-love, my liege, is … I love dressing for different occasions and having dress codes. And what makes it go? Our mayors can share their experiences in urban design, clean energy projects, Smart Grids, codes for energy efficient buildings, transportation safety, and innovative environmental solutions. Let us out! I'd tried many things and they hadn't worked. William Shakespeare Quotes About Life. Updated for 2021. There are certain families who absolutely incorporate their nanny as part of the family, and there are other people, and there are codes for this, when they call in, they say, 'I am really not looking for a friend.' All the world ‘s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. The moral values, ethical codes and laws that guide our choices in normal times are, if anything, even more important to help us navigate the confusing and disorienting time of a disaster. Lilith: The play tonight shall restore the rest. Doctor who quotes from the show "The Shakespeare Code" (Series 3) Lovingyouhurts. Turing was a quite brilliant mathematician, most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes. When I started, I didn't know how to sing in Arabic - it's a very complex and sophisticated music full of codes and modes and quarter-tones. Staring me right in the face and I can’t see it. The Doctor: When you get home, you can tell everyone you met Shakespeare. We wouldn't have to speak so critically if businesses would stop feeding dead animals to live ones, putting non-food substances into food, tinkering with genetic codes, and spraying the countryside with poisons.
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