You also may not transmit content that violates or infringes the rights of others, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity, personal rights or other rights; Transmitting or communicating any content which we reasonably believe to be offensive to players, including language that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, or racially, ethically, or otherwise objectionable; Transmitting or facilitating the transmission of any content that contains a virus, corrupted data, trojan horse, bot keystroke logger, worm, time bomb, cancelbot or other computer programming routines that are intended to and/or actually damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or mine, scrape or expropriate any system, data or personal info; Avoiding, bypassing, removing, deactivating, impairing, descrambling or otherwise circumventing any technological measure implemented by Riot or any third party to protect the Riot Services; Spamming chat, whether for personal or commercial purposes, by disrupting the flow of conversation with repeated postings; Participating in any action which we reasonably believe does or may defraud any other player, including by scamming or social engineering; Using any unauthorized third party programs, including mods, hacks, cheats, scripts, bots, trainers and automation programs that interact with the Riot Services in any way, for any purpose, including any unauthorized third party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication relating to the Riot Services and any unauthorized third party programs that collect info about the Riot Services by reading areas of memory used by the Riot Services to store info; Accessing or attempting to access areas of the Riot Services that are not made available to the public; Selecting an account or user name that is falsely indicative of an association with Riot Games, contains personally identifying info, or that is offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. USER RULES. • We celebrate our wins, learn from our failures, and challenge ourselves to evolve. Use these links and the corresponding external websites at your own risk. Riot Forge Are you a game developer? The User Rules posted to our websites, apps and games or set out in this section are not meant to be exhaustive, and we reserve the right to modify them, as well as take appropriate disciplinary measures including temporary bans, account suspension or termination and deletion to protect the integrity and spirit of the Riot Services, regardless of whether a specific behavior is listed in the User Rules as inappropriate. Provide your mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, email address. Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice: “I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).”, “I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and[, under penalty of perjury,]* that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”. Founded by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, and led by CEO Nicolo Laurent, Riot is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has 3,000+ Rioters in 20+ offices worldwide. In 2009, we released our debut title, League of Legends, to worldwide acclaim. Riot Accounts, Social Sign-In, and Player Support (Oh My!) Please note that this informal resolution procedure does not suspend any statutory limitation periods applicable to the bringing of a Claim. We believe we’re stronger when we respect each other, invest in each other, and succeed as one team. You can also challenge our determinations (see Section 17). 01/12/21 Game Updates. You may choose to have the arbitration conducted by telephone, based on written submissions, in person in the county where you live, or at another mutually agreed location. For more info on game ratings and content descriptors, please check your local ratings system. Healthcare. You’ll be given an opportunity to review any new agreement we present to you and decide whether you wish to agree to the revised terms. In an effort to accelerate resolution and reduce the cost of any dispute or claim related to these Terms (“Claim”), you and Riot Games agree to first attempt to informally negotiate any Claim for at least thirty (30) days (except as set out in Section 17.4 below). You and Riot Games agree that we each have not relied upon, and have no remedies in respect of, any terms, conditions, representations, warranties or similar that are not expressly set out in these Terms. We may (and probably will) create updated versions of these Terms in the future as the Riot Services and applicable laws evolve. For all Legends of Runeterra Support. You further acknowledge and agree that you have no title, ownership, or other proprietary interest in any Virtual Content, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. The Award will be final and binding upon the parties, may be confirmed by a court of competent jurisdiction, and then enforced like any other court order or judgment. They have no legal effect whatsoever. First, you’ll need to confirm your account information. You are also responsible for all use of the account and compliance with these Terms by the minor, including all purchases made on the account. Saying Farewell to Boards. You’re solely responsible for paying any applicable taxes related to acquiring, using, or accessing Game Currency. If you find monetary purchases on your account that you did not make, and were not charged to you, it is still vital that you inform us, as this may cause future billing issues for your account. Green Tech. Nothing in these Terms limits or affects those rights. • We recognize our teams, our families, our industry peers, and our players who make this all possible. Once you've recovered your account, the next step would be to keep your account from being compromised again. We recently transitioned from League of Legends accounts to Riot Accounts. The Third Party Platform has no obligation to provide any maintenance and support services for the Riot Services. Impersonating any person, business or entity, including an employee of Riot Games, or communicating in any way that makes it appear that the communication originates from Riot Games; Publicly posting identifying info about yourself, Riot Games employees, or other players; Harassing, stalking or threatening other players or Riot Games employees; Removing, altering or concealing any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights notice of Riot Games contained within the Riot Services. You must keep your Login Credentials secret. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the JAMS Rules. 51 Bras Basah Rd, #05-01, S5008 & S5009, 30 Day Grace Period. How can we help? The Vanguard and Riot Games teams have banned thousands of accounts associated with cheating, and the fallout is massive among the cheating community. Any and all information regarding your account. LTD. We normally only do this in incremental steps but we’ll give you notice (such as through posts on our website, app or game) if we plan to make changes that will significantly impact your Game Currency in a negative way. This email address is intended solely for the receipt of copyright take-down notices and not for general inquiries or requests of Riot Games. The annual League of Legends World Championship features qualified esports teams from 12 international leagues. Riot Games shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform, including any failure to perform under these Terms due to unforeseen circumstances or cause beyond Riot Games’ control such as: (a) hacking, cyber-attacks, data corruption/loss (where we have taken the steps that would reasonably be taken by companies like us to avoid this event occurring); or (b) acts of god, war, terrorism, bomb-threats, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials. You can send your Notice instead by email to: Чтобы играть где угодно, поменяйте учетную запись Apple Game Center или Google Play Games на учетную запись Riot. Choose a category to find the help you need. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use and enjoy the Riot Services (and any Virtual Content) for your individual, non-commercial, entertainment purposes only and expressly conditioned upon your compliance with these Terms. • We focus where it matters, prioritize efficiency, and spend player resources as our own. Unlink My Account; Recovering Your Username; Want to get free RP? For more info about what fan uses we currently permit, please read our Legal Jibber Jabber policy (though be aware that we change this from time to time). To play anywhere, graduate your Apple Game Center or Google Play Games account to a Riot Account. Separately, we are not responsible for: (i) any loss that was not foreseeable at the time you entered into these Terms; or (ii) any loss that we both knew might happen only because of your special circumstances existing at the time you entered into these Terms (including all indirect damages). Riot Games. You may terminate or suspend your account at any time by contacting us at . For all League of Legends Support. JAMS provides a form Demand for Arbitration on its website. Either party may commence an arbitration proceeding. Riot Games respects copyright law and expects its users to do the same. Currently in Regional Open Beta! Check to see if you need to update your account before you play. As League enters its second decade, we’re continuing to evolve the game while delivering new experiences to players with Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, VALORANT, League of Legends: Wild Rift, and multiple work-in-progress titles. This means that, except for qualifying small claims actions and emergency situations covered by Section 17.14 below, you and Riot Games each waive the right to bring such claims to court, including the right to a jury trial. We believe our laser focus on players inspires the most meaningful and lasting game experiences. Of course this is an "ID BAN" but still it is a form of punishment to a player that constantly breaks the TOS of riot games. Arbitration allows parties to resolve their disputes privately and without the formality of going to court. Dublin 2 You must also comply with the acceptable use and behavioral policies that we publish from time to time on our websites, apps and games and the behavioral rules listed below (collectively the “User Rules”). What’s a Riot Account? Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other property interest in your account, and that all rights in and to your account are and shall forever be owned by and inure to the benefit of Riot Games. You can’t sell, transfer or allow any other person to access your account or Login Credentials, or offer to do so. In an effort to constantly improve the Riot Services, evolve our games and keep the Riot Services, safe, fun, and secure, we have the right to delete, alter, move, remove, re-package, re-price, or transfer any and all Game Content, including Virtual Content, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice to you, and with no liability of any kind to you. Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. For clarity, Game Content includes Virtual Content. Irrespective of this choice-of-law, you may have the benefit of other or additional mandatory rights or remedies provided by local law in addition to those set out in these Terms. Help! If you are the parent or legal guardian of a minor who creates an account with us, you and the minor accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. Teamfight Tactics Mobile Update. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law and without limiting your statutory rights to initiate a court proceeding, you and Riot Games agree that the following Claims are not subject to the other provisions in this Part A concerning negotiations: (i) any Claims seeking to enforce or protect, or concerning the validity of, any of your or Riot Games’ intellectual property rights; (ii) any Claim related to, or arising from, allegations of theft, piracy, invasion of privacy or unauthorized use; and (iii) any Claim for equitable relief (such as an injunction). If you have a valid, active account, you may use the boards section of our website or apps (the “Boards”) provided that you abide by the User Rules and any other posted rules. Much of the Riot Services are developed in the U.S. so you cannot use them if: (1) the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury Department lists you as a specially designated national and/or blocked person; (2) the Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce lists you on its denied persons list or lists of parties of concern; or (3) you’re on any similar list promulgated by an official agency or department of the United States government. Founded by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, and led by CEO Nicolo Laurent, Riot is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has 3,000+ Rioters in 20+ offices worldwide. Riot Games was founded in 2006 to develop, publish, and support the most player-focused games in the world. Riot Games reserves the right, at its own expense and in its sole and absolute discretion, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you’ll cooperate with Riot Games in asserting any available defenses. Your Riot Account is your key to access all of our games, which means you can sign into any of our games using the same username and password. We may revoke your access to the Boards at any time if we believe you have breached the User Rules. These notifications may be really important (e.g., a notification that we intend to terminate your account for inactivity) so you must keep the email address associated with your account current and (if we ask) verified. Sign up today! Play 140 champions with endless possibilities to victory. In 2009, we released our debut title, League of Legends, to worldwide acclaim. Identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, or - if multiple copyrighted works are covered by this Notice - you may provide a representative list of the copyrighted works that you claim have been infringed. Except in cases of our gross negligence or willful misconduct, if you fail to pay any fees you owe to us or we have to refund someone due to unauthorized use of a payment made from your account, we may suspend or terminate your account. Riot Games will send its notice to the email address associated with your account. If we allow the sale or transfer of your right to access certain Game Content or Virtual Content, it may only be conducted via services approved or provided by us, if any. If you live anywhere else, including the EEA, UK or Brazil: Riot Games Ltd. Step 2: Fill out the return form. you’ll not be entitled to any refunds and we’ll have no liability to you; and. Note that this will allow a Player Support agent to view the status of your account, though it does not guarantee that we can solve the issue if the account in question violates our Terms of Service. For all League of Legends Support. You and Riot Games agree that any dispute, claim or controversy that has been submitted to arbitration, and all related proceedings including any settlement agreement, shall be kept confidential. Games. Note that this will allow a Player Support agent to view the status of your account, though it does not guarantee that we can solve the issue if the account in question violates our Terms of Service. Upon receipt of such a Notice, Riot Games will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged material from the Sites. Except as otherwise expressly set out in Section 17 “Dispute Resolution,” the exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes that you and Riot Games are not required to arbitrate will be the state and federal courts located in the Los Angeles County, California, and you and Riot Games each waive any objection to jurisdiction and venue in such courts. A sole arbitrator shall be selected pursuant to these rules. Enter your email address Recovering your username starts with the email linked to your account. For all VALORANT Support. These Terms and any action arising out of or in connection with these Terms will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act with respect to Section 17 “Dispute Resolution,” and the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast where you have breached these Terms): You understand and agree that using the Riot Services comes with the risk that your account may be terminated or suspended in accordance with these Terms and that, whenever you use the Riot Services, you’ll bear this risk in mind and always conduct yourself appropriately. Pulsefire 2020 Event: Learn More. If you placed the order without logging in, use the Order Status page to bring up the order. These Terms are an agreement between us and you, and not between you and the Third Party Platform. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or related to these Terms or the Riot Services shall be resolved exclusively by private, binding arbitration, rather than in court, except that qualifying small claims may be submitted in small claims court and either party may seek emergency, provisional relief before the appointment of an arbitrator as specified in Section 17.14, below. Virtual Content has no monetary value. These Terms shall coexist with, and shall not supersede any other Riot Games policies referenced in these Terms. For all VALORANT Support. Social Sign-in FAQ; Deleting Your Riot Account and All Your Data; Changing Your Region of Residence for Your Riot Account; Twitch.TV and Afreeca.TV Drops - Check if Your Account is Connected! Some websites charge as much as $14 a day, which amounts to over $400 in a month. Please note that the Notices are legal notices and that Riot Games may provide copies of such notices to the participants in the dispute or to third parties, at its discretion or as required by law. • We work from best practices, value expertise, and innovate when there’s a better way. Attn: Legal Department You warrant and represent that you’re not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any embargoed country. You can’t create any work of authorship based on the Game Content or Riot Services except as expressly permitted by us. We're a publisher working with talented and experienced third party developers to bring awesome new League of Legends games to players of all types. If you think we have made a mistake, please Contact Us with details and we will review your case though your account may be suspended during our review. Hang up your favorite champions by your side. Attn: Legal Department 2.1.2. If you have a merch account, log into the merch site and go to the Order Details section in My Account. We don’t provide or guarantee, and expressly disclaim, any value, cash or otherwise, attributed to any data residing on servers we operate or control, including any Game Content or Virtual Content attributed to your account. You. For all Teamfight Tactics Support. In addition, either party may assert an individual action in small claims court for Claims that are within the scope of such courts’ jurisdiction instead of litigation. Character Contract Levels, Battle Pass & Levels, Weapon Skin Levels, Weapon Skins once used or if you purchase a skin upgrade, Radianite Points, and Bundles are all non-refundable. You may also have specific rights under local law in addition to those set out above. You are responsible for all losses (including loss or use of Virtual Content) on your account where you have shared your Login Credentials or have failed to keep your account or Login Credentials secure. Identify the material that you claim is infringing (or to be the subject of infringing activity) and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the Site(s) where such material may be found. If you accept the new agreement, you’ll be able to continue using the Riot Services. Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 34F Also, the arbitrator may award relief (including monetary, injunctive, and declaratory relief) only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief necessitated by that party’s individual claim(s). If local laws do not allow for waiver of moral rights, instead you grant Riot Games the right to use Your Content and all elements of Your Content with or without your name or pseudonym, as well as to freely edit Your Content. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. We send account, legal and service related notices to the email address registered to your account. If you prevail in arbitration you will be entitled to an award of attorneys’ fees and expenses to the extent provided under applicable law. The arbitrator shall decide all issues in dispute between you and Riot Games. When using the Riot Services, we may provide you with opportunities to acquire a limited license to access virtual goods, such as champions, skins, emotes, etc., (“Virtual Goods”) and in-game currency (“Game Currency”), associated with your account (collectively, “Virtual Content”). 30 Day Grace Period. You may not assign your rights under these Terms without Riot Games’ prior written consent, and any unauthorized assignment by you shall be null and void. The Third Party Platform and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms as they relate to your license to the Riot Services. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish cast. We may freely use any Unsolicited Ideas you provide. When you obtain Virtual Content from us, what we are actually giving you is a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, revocable, limited right and license to use that Virtual Content only in connection with your use of the applicable Riot Services. If you don’t have an account with Riot Games, we will send the notice to the email address which you used to write to us about the Claim. As part of that ethos, we also believe that there are ways where we, as a company, can provide long-term value and positive impact to the players, partners, Rioters, and communities we serve. You should upload or transmit Your Content only if you agree that: We may actively monitor the use of the Riot Services (but have no obligation to do so), both on our own servers and on your computer or device, for a wide variety of different purposes, including preventing cheating and hacking, reducing toxic player behavior, and improving the Riot Services. Recover Your Account; Protecting Your Account Riot Games will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Riot Games website or other online network accessible through a mobile device or other type of device (the “Sites”) that are reported to Riot Games’ Designated Copyright Agent, identified in the sample notice below. Any reproduction, redistribution, or modification of the Riot Services, or use of the Riot Services not in accordance with these Terms, is expressly prohibited and may result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties. Summoner's Rift Team. We may provide you with various opportunities to acquire a limited license to access Game Currency or Virtual Content, including: You have no ownership or other property interest in any of the Virtual Content you unlock, regardless of how you acquired access to it. League of Legends Merchandise. To play anywhere, graduate your Apple Game Center or Google Play Games account to a Riot Account. As we feel it necessary, in our reasonable discretion (or as prescribed by law), we may limit the total amount of Game Currency that may be purchased for any one game or that may be held in your account in the aggregate. We only make the Riot Services available for domestic and private use. This can impact on the purchasing power of your Game Currency, though we normally only do this in incremental steps. If your account is terminated, you’ll no longer have access to your account, including any of the associated data or Virtual Content (including Game Currency) (though this does not limit or affect any rights you have under data or consumer protection laws). we also reserve the right to terminate any other accounts you may have created, as well as your access to any other Riot Services (also without any refunds or liability to you). Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. Worlds is the most widely viewed and followed esport tournament, and it’s among the largest and most popular gaming and sporting events in the world. • We share a love of games and prioritize play as an important part of our lives. Any dispute arising under these Terms or Riot Services will be brought in the court having jurisdiction in accordance with the Code of Korean Civil Procedure. You also understand and agree that we may use background patching to automatically update our games and software with or without notice to you. If you decline the new agreement, you won’t be able to use the Riot Services anymore. These Terms represent the complete agreement between you and Riot Games concerning the Riot Services, and supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements between you and Riot Games. To create an account and use the Riot Services, you must: (i) be an adult; (ii) be an emancipated minor; or (iii) have valid parent or legal guardian consent to be bound by these Terms. We believe operational excellence will unlock us to deliver better experiences for the long run. In an effort to constantly improve the Riot Services, evolve our games and keep the Riot Services, safe, fun, and secure, you agree that we may change, modify, update, suspend, “nerf,” or restrict your access to any features or parts of the Riot Services, including Virtual Goods (e.g., we might change some features of Virtual Goods for regulatory or legal reasons or to improve the game experience), and may require that you download and install updates to any software required to support the Riot Services, at any time without liability to you. You may need to update to a Riot Account before you can log in. Either party may seek emergency provisional remedies, including injunctive or similar relief, pursuant to the JAMS rules or from a court of competent jurisdiction located in Los Angeles County, California, where necessary to protect that party’s rights and interests for the infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights pending the appointment of an arbitrator. We may sometimes change the purchasing power of Game Currency (for example, we might increase the number of Game Currency needed to purchase Virtual Goods, such as skins). Using the Riot Services for any business purpose without our express written consent or after we’ve asked you to stop using the Riot Services. League has gone on to be the most-played PC game in the world and a key driver of the explosive growth of esports. This policy is aimed at avoiding potential misunderstandings or disputes when the Riot Services might seem similar to Unsolicited Ideas that people submit. This does not limit your statutory rights to initiate a court proceeding. Please read these Terms carefully and pay particular attention to these items: We provide game rating info on our website about age appropriateness. If you login below and prove ownership of your Riot Games account, you can queue your Riot Account for deletion. Additionally, price and availability of Game Currency and Virtual Goods are subject to change. Use the Boards at your own risk. 7.1. We’re also expanding the world of Runeterra through multimedia projects across music, comic books, board games, and the upcoming animated series Arcane. Despite anything else we say in these Terms, WE DO NOT EXCLUDE OR LIMIT IN ANY WAY OUR LIABILITY TO YOU WHERE IT WOULD BE UNLAWFUL TO DO SO, including our liability for: (i) death or personal injury arising from our negligence; (ii) our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (iii) willful or grossly negligent behavior; (iv) for damage arising from a negligent breach of an obligation that is essential for the performance of the contract by Riot Games (“Cardinal Duties”) to the extent that is typical and foreseeable; (v) for any guarantee given by us to you; or (vi) for any liability under a jurisdiction’s applicable product liability legislation. All fees and charges are payable in accordance with payment terms in effect at the time the fee or the charge becomes due and payable. It is our policy to terminate accounts in appropriate circumstances of users who infringe or are believed to infringe the rights of copyright holders. 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