Haunt definition, to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost: to haunt a house; to haunt a person. Google translation English to Bangla Kurser; Möhippa & Svensexa; Privata gruppbokningar haunt in Bangla translation and definition "haunt", English-Bangla Dictionary online. আড্ডা { } (transitive) To inhabit, or visit frequently (most often used in reference to ghosts). Haunt definition is - to visit often : frequent. Thus, the English speaking lot of Bengal is much more when compared to other states. How to use haunt in a sentence. German words for haunt include verfolgen, Treffpunkt, spuken, frequentieren, umgehen, quälen, Lieblingsplatz, nicht loslassen, verkehren and auftreten. More Farsi words for haunt. See more. Find the Haunt Meaning in Bengali, See the defination of this word "Haunt".You may understand "Haunt meaning in Bengali" from defination at English to Bangla online dictionary. Bengali translation of Possesses. To reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner: taunted her for wearing hand-me-down clothes. the dictionary. How unique is the name Haunt? 94) || Samsad Bangla to English … To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. ×. to disturb or distress; cause to have anxiety; trouble; worry: His youthful escapades came back to haunt him. noun محل اجتماع تبه کاران. Bengali meaning of word Possesses. haustellum. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-Entity-... হাথিন. Find more Farsi words at wordhippo.com! How to say haunt in Filipino What's the Filipino word for haunt? Most of the all-time classic novels and poems were penned in Bengali. What's it aboutA remake of an acclaimed Bengali film Bhooter Bhabishyat, Gang of Ghosts is an attempt at social satire through the eyes of the deceased and their struggle to be able to retain their land and house in a time when every inch of property is worth a pot of gold. Possesses meaning in other languages. Pour definition: If you pour a liquid or other substance , you make it flow steadily out of a container by... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Here's a list of translations. ইংরেজি ও বাংলা অনলাইন অভিধান | Haunts Definition at Bangla-English.com Here's a list of translations. It is spoken by more than 210 million people as a first or second language, with some 100 million Bengali speakers in Bangladesh; about 85 million in India, primarily in the states of Raiding meaning in Bengali - উপদ্রব করা; বিমানে আক্রমণ করা; আক্রমণ করা; হানা দেত্তয়া; বাহির হইতে সহসা আক্রমণ করা; ; raid; invade; haunt; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. Bangla Meaning of Haunt || Bangla Academy Dictionary. brightest meaning in bengali. Latin words for haunt include pervolgo, pervulgo, calco, opsideo, obsideo, adsum, assum, concelebro, celebro and frequento. soul Meaning in Bengali. Alleged haunted places Bangladesh There is a commonly used Bengali idiom - Jokkher Dhon (literal meaning: Jokkho's Wealth) which actually implies "protecting a beloved person" or "safeguarding precious wealth". Haunt - Meaning in Bengali. Toggle navigation. English to Bengali meaning of soul online dictionary Meaning in Bengali soul. noun امد و شد زیاد. Copyright © 2014-20 Online Dictionary24 all rights reserved. hunt meaning in bengali: মৃগয়া করা | Learn detailed meaning of hunt in bengali dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Weird things about the name Haunt: The name spelled backwards is Tnuah. A haunted house, spook house or ghost house in ghostlore is a house or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been former residents or were otherwise connected with the property. ছোরা মারা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) stab. haunts. Possesses nearby words. Possesses meaning in Bengali. No translation memories found. This word has an alternative meaning: 'past' in Bengali. See more. Obsesses Meaning in Bengali: প্রভাবিত করা, আবিষ্ট করা, মন অধিকার করিয়া রাখা "Obsesses" Meaning in Hindi: दिल में घर कर लेना, दिमाग़ में घर कर लेना Word Type: Verb / ক্রিয়া / क्रिया brightest meaning in bengali. naglalakad More Filipino words for haunt. b. Bengali language, member of the Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family. Here's a list of translations. HAUNT meaning in tamil, HAUNT pictures, HAUNT pronunciation, HAUNT translation,HAUNT definition are included in the result of HAUNT meaning in tamil at kitkatwords.com, a free online English tamil Picture dictionary. haunt. Possesses in Bengali. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. Bengalimeaning.com | Google Translator. haunt thoughts. Kurser; Möhippa & Svensexa; Privata gruppbokningar Filipino Translation. To drive or incite (a person) by taunting: His friends taunted him into asking for a raise. haunting your thoughts. Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com! Learn more. Bengali meaning of word Possesses. ; Close Nearby Words | অনুরূপ শব্দসমূহ Bengali Word আনকোরা English definition [Hindi] (adjective) (1) quite new: আনকোরা প্রতিষ্ঠান. --Steven Wright, Ache শব্দটি noun বা বিশেষ্য এবং verb বা ক্রিয়া হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Verb হিসেবে এর অর্থ হলো অবিরাম ও অস্বস্তিকর একটি ব্যাথা অথবা একটি বেদনাদায়ক দুঃখ অথবা একটি সাধ বা আকাঙ্খা অনুভব করা।, Abstinence বা সংযম বা মিতাচার হলো কোনো কিছু থেকে বিরত থাকার অনুশীলন অথবা এমন কোনোকিছু না করা বা না খাওয়ার অনুশীলন যা করতে বা খেতে ইচ্ছা করে বা যা উপভোগ্য বা আনন্দদায়ক।, Tourette's syndrome বা টরেটস্ সিন্ড্রম হলো একটি স্নায়ুতাত্ত্বিক ব্যাধি যার বৈশিষ্ট্য হলো পুনরাবৃত্তিমূলক, একঘেয়ে, অনৈচ্ছিক চলাফেরা এবং বাচালতা যাকে বলা হয় tics বা মাংসপেশী বা শিরাসমূহের কম্পন।. to recur persistently to the consciousness of; remain with: Memories of love haunted him. Bengali Word ছোরা English definition (noun) a sharp-pointed double-edged knife; a dagger. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning … Goblin Market – Christina Rossetti - Translation in Bengali, Goblin Market bangla, Goblin Market bengali meaning, Possesses Bengali meaning along with definition. "I was reading brightest meaning in english. We have been helping millions of people improve their use of the bangla language with its free online services. Pour definition: If you pour a liquid or other substance , you make it flow steadily out of a container by... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 1. Even India’s national anthem is composed in Bengali.Bengal, with its rich literary heritage, has produced a lot of educated people. Toggle navigation. Possesses meaning in Bengali. Haunts Definition of Haunts - and meaning in English & Bangla Online Dictionary. To tease and excite sexually: taunted him with glimpses of skin. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Hathin".Found in 0 ms. German words for haunt include verfolgen, Treffpunkt, spuken, frequentieren, umgehen, quälen, Lieblingsplatz, nicht loslassen, verkehren and auftreten. Possesses meaning in other languages. Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Haunt was not present. Even India’s national anthem is composed in Bengali.Bengal, with its rich literary heritage, has produced a lot of educated people. We have been helping millions of people improve their use of the bangla language with its free online services. Possesses Synonyms. brightest meaning in english. Hathin . 2. I thought it was a poem Vinprovningar i Göteborg . Fun Facts about the name Haunt. about everything." hautboist. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of hunt in bengali To visit often; frequent:... To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. In Bengal, ghosts are believed to be the spirit after death of an unsatisfied human being or a soul of a person who dies in unnatural or abnormal circumstances (like murder, suicide or accident). Bangla Meaning of Haunt || Bangla Academy Dictionary. Haunting meaning in Bengali - যাতায়াত করা; অধিষ্ঠান করা; দর্শন দেত্তয়া; হানা দেত্তয়া; ; haunt; be situated; put in an appearance; raid; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. stemming. Filipino Translation. haunt /verb/ পুনঃপুনঃ যাতায়াত করা; বাস করা বা সর্বদা যাতায়াত করা; পুনঃপুনঃ যে স্থানে যাতায়াত করে. English to Bengali Dictionary gives you the best and accurate Bengali meanings of Possesses brightest english to bangla dictionary. haunts thoughts. IPA: /hænt/, /hɔːnt/, /hɑːnt/; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeResearch. Privacy policy | Terms & Conditions | Contact, পুনঃপুনঃ যাতায়াত করা; বাস করা বা সর্বদা যাতায়াত করা; পুনঃপুনঃ যে স্থানে যাতায়াত করে, Download ইংরেজি গ্রামার (English-Bangla) App, Words and Terms for Every Internet Users (Part 1). 2. a. See more in: English to Bengali Dictionary gives you the best and accurate Bengali meanings of Possesses Most of the all-time classic novels and poems were penned in Bengali. to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost: to haunt a house; to haunt a person. Bengali has a rich folk heritage and plays a huge role in Indian literature. Farsi words for haunt include امد و شد زیاد, محل اجتماع تبه کاران, خطور کردن, مراجعه مکرر, امیزش, پاتوغ, تردد کردن, پیوسته امدن به, دیدار مکرر کردن and زیاد رفت و آمد کردن در. haunt; Hathin in Bangla translation and definition "Hathin", English-Bangla Dictionary online. ing, taunts 1. haunts your thoughts. Haunting definition, remaining in the consciousness; not quickly forgotten: haunting music; haunting memories. Also, the word Pret (derived from Sanskrit 'Preta') is used in Bengali to mean ghost. Possesses in Bengali. English Meaning of আধার১ = (p. 107) ādhāra1 container; a receptacle; a vessel, a case; a store; a haunt, a dwellingplace, a source; a cause. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! brightest synonym and definition at bengali meaning Example sentences with "Hathin", translation memory. brightest synonym and definition at bengali meaning Possesses nearby words. How to say haunt in Filipino What's the Filipino word for haunt? haunt one's thoughts. See Synonyms at ridicule. Showing page 1. Obsesses Meaning in Bengali: প্রভাবিত করা, আবিষ্ট করা, মন অধিকার করিয়া রাখা "Obsesses" Meaning in Hindi: दिल में घर कर लेना, दिमाग़ में घर कर लेना Word Type: Verb / ক্রিয়া / क्रिया پیروز باشید. All Rights Reserved. haunts - Bengali Meaning - haunts Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com | haunts শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ. to frequent the company of; be often with: He haunted famous men, hoping to gain celebrity for himself. Thus, the English speaking lot of Bengal is much more when compared to other states. Possesses Bengali meaning along with definition. Bengali has a rich folk heritage and plays a huge role in Indian literature. Latin words for haunt include pervolgo, pervulgo, calco, opsideo, obsideo, adsum, assum, concelebro, celebro and frequento. Vinprovningar i Göteborg . They are usually considered to be benevolent, and said to bestow fertility and wealth upon their devotees. daunt definition: 1. to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their ability to achieve something…. add example. haunt - Bengali Meaning - haunt Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com | haunt শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ. HUNT meaning in bengali, HUNT pictures, HUNT pronunciation, HUNT translation,HUNT definition are included in the result of HUNT meaning in bengali at kitkatwords.com, a free online English bengali Picture dictionary. hautbois. Copyright © 2021 www.english-bangla.com. Possesses Synonyms. ing , haunts v. tr. Farsi Translation. There is a commonly used Bengali idiom - Jokkher Dhon (literal meaning: Jokkho's Wealth) which actually implies "protecting a beloved person" or "safeguarding precious wealth". Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com! to visit frequently; go to often: He haunted the galleries and bars that the artists went to. naglalakad More Filipino words for haunt. brightest english to bangla dictionary. Synonyms for haunt your thoughts include recur, repeat, return, reappear, reoccur, happen again, persist, recrudesce, be repeated and revert. Bengali translation of Possesses. (transitive) To make uneasy. 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