The Inclusionary Development Policy (the “IDP”), first created in 2000, requires that market-rate housing developments with ten or more units and in need of zoning relief support the creation of income restricted housing through: 1. In crafting an inclusionary housing program, every community faces Recently adopted after resistance from a powerful mayor, this program represents a political compromise that falls short of what was sought by the proponents of the program. Under this ordinance, residential developers are required to include affordable units in their developments. One of the measures recommended, inclusionary zoning, “links the production of affordable housing to private market-rate residential development,” according to documents from SB Friedman. endobj The MPDU program is believed to be the country's first mandatory, inclusionary zoning law that specified a density bonus allowance to builders for providing affordable housing. <>
Many economists consider the program as a price control on a percentage of units, which negatively impacts the supply of housing. (S,����������������騄$�+b�I���f94��v���B�㤕��Y�b� y�ӳ��ԉ�ɨ;A��TT8���-�sK���������2�n �^gEz_5�᷿���~rr�y2� Initially, in 2003, it applied to developments larger than ten units that received land or … 185 0 obj %%EOF Archive. 0000001241 00000 n
183 0 obj Home > Community Planning & Economic Development Inclusionary Zoning Policy Development Archive Proposed Permanent Inclusionary Zoning Policy. Policy and governance » Inclusionary zoning. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. New Task Force Seeks More Inclusionary Housing In Chicago By Natalie Moore. One of the measures recommended, inclusionary zoning, “links the production of affordable housing to private market-rate residential development,” according to … According to building permit calculations by the Campaign for Sensible Growth, if in 1974 the Chicago region had instituted the same policy as Montgomery County to only half of its new structures, 136,000 units would have been created by 1999. This Chapter 16-19, Sections 16-19-010 through 16-19-150 shall be entitled and referred to as the “Inclusionary Housing Ordinance”. Inclusionary Zoning Background and Examples. Create more affordable housing for Chicago’s working families. The first meeting of the Inclusionary Housing Task Force (IHTF) was held on December 12, 2019. 0000003204 00000 n
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. ֩n}L[�����Ɋ�W�`�zS)�c��j����� Inclusionary zoning has gotten a lot of attention in Chicago over this past year! The LA model, in particular, looks to hold great promise if adopted in Chicago. trailer <> Evanston, Cook County. stream
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[/Separation/Black/DeviceCMYK 199 0 R] We provide these examples to illustrate how potential inclusionary zoning policies might affect the region. He cited one report he saw that listed 20 or Illinois communities with inclusionary zoning ordinance, all of which saw new housing growth come to a halt. Where Do We Go From Here? The City Council directed staff to develop a permanent inclusionary zoning policy in 2019 that is consistent with the Inclusionary Housing Policy Framework adopted in 2018. inclusionary zoning, a tool that local jurisdictions rely on to expand the supply of affordable housing, especially in tight housing markets. Policy and governance » Inclusionary zoning. Regional Housing Legal Services PCRG Community Development Summit Preserving Affordability in Changing Markets Pittsburgh, PA - May 15, 2014 . The most popular solution: inclusionary zoning, or requiring developers to set aside a certain percentage of units in new residential projects for people below a designated income level. Goal. 0000014711 00000 n
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<> Under the ARO’s 2007 guidelines, developers were required to pay a $100,000/unit in-lieu fee for units they were responsible for building to comply with the ARO. Title. endobj Inclusionary zoning (IZ) is a provincial planning tool that enables municipalities to secure affordable housing in new development. Arlington Heights is one of 7 Chicago suburbs with an inclusionary housing ordinance. The first of its kind in the Chicago region, the Highland Park Inclusionary Housing ordinance requires developments over five units to include affordably priced homes. 0000002319 00000 n
16-90-020. endobj The program, paid for through inclusionary zoning opt-out fees, is meant to save affordable-housing landlords from going into foreclosure. N�������
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The ordinance amends the Village's inclusionary affordable housing policies that have been in … Appointed by Mayor Lori Lightfoot in 2019, members called for policy changes to … 16-19-010. �)>@�L���h$��%Fd|$E���.��E�)��k��^��������������k�1v�}JNTl���,"�ʧN`k�'�����L�9��94�82�u�:o�Anx�:�>��8Fg�Ex!�$�Q <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> Last week, city council took a step in addressing that by directing staff to begin researching an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. xref The density bonus was designed to preclude developers from losing opportunities to build market-rate units and to help offset some of the production costs of the MPDUs. Financing. 190 0 obj Chicago’s Inclusionary Housing task force issued its first report Monday, recommending the city’s affordable housing ordinance be revised to encourage construction of additional units that would both combat displacement of Latino families and reduce the loss of the Black population in gentrifying areas. 0000003126 00000 n
IZ homes are apartments for … Increase the number of affordable units in market rate developments by amending Evanston’s existing Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO) and creating incentives to build units in areas near transit. It would require a certain number of units in each new development to qualify as affordable housing. The court has expressed an interest in … Goal. In Chicago, the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) is a form of inclusionary zoning. Last week the Village of Oak Park’s board of trustees adopted a Transit-Oriented Development and inclusionary housing/zoning ordinance to require affordable housing in new apartment buildings in its newly established TOD areas. 0000027945 00000 n
Inclusionary Housing in Chicago: the Affordable Housing Zoning Bonus The Affordable Housing Zoning Bonus – or Density Bonus – was created in 2004 to enable developers in certain downtown zoning districts (DC, DX, and DR) to build additional square footage in exchange for providing on-site affordable housing OR contributing to the City’s Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund. Deerfield also is considering inclusionary zoning as part of a broader affordable housing plan. For the purposes of this report, "affordable housing" is defined as housing that can be afforded by people who make less than the area median income (AMI) for the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area of Chicago. The Inclusionary Housing Task Force first met in December 2019. Most inclusionary zoning programs offer developers incentives, such as density bonuses, expedited approval, and fee waivers. "The Oak Park [Illinois] Village Board is reviewing several staff recommendations for an inclusionary zoning ordinance, which is aimed at bringing more affordable residential units to … 0000014318 00000 n
WBEZ: New Task Force Seeks More Inclusionary Housing in Chicago. 184 0 obj In 2003, Chicago adopted its inclusionary ordinance, also known as the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO). endobj A related article in this Newsletter looks at the recently released Inclusionary Housing Task Force Staff Report, issued by the City’s Department of Housing in September. Inclusionary housing — requiring market-rate developments to provide affordable units or contribute housing fees – originated in response to racially exclusionary zoning policies. Lake Forest, Lake County. In 2010, the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance was formalized and added to zoning code in part because local developers preferred the flexibility of a formal ordinance. endobj
Purpose and Intent. As urban housing markets have tightened, the policy has grown into a critical affordable-housing tool in many cities.
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