Board of Review. The 2016 aerials are available- both the orthos (straight down) and the obliques (angular)! 2015 also brought a new class of property entitled: Multiresidential. farming the property remain the same during successive years. Board of Review petitions are accepted April 7th-May 5th inclusive. The Conference Board approves the assessor's budget
Assessors are appointed to their positions by a Conference Board consisting of
Beacon and are interactive public access portals that allow users to view County and City information, public records and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) via an online portal. Percentages determined by the Director of Revenues and
How does
January 1 -
This information was prepared by the Public Relations Committee of the Iowa
If the property
discharged veteran who served in eligible service period. These records can include Cedar County property tax assessments and assessment challenges, appraisals, and income taxes. farmed by the owner or immediate family members (this incased brothers/sisters,
used in the Assessors office, Assessor Links:
On values
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please see our website @ for all property tax credit and exemption applications administered through the the assessors office. The 2016 assessment is one component for taxes that are payable in the fall of 2017 and the spring of 2018. Please contact the office(s) directly to inquire if appointments are necessary. Cedar County, IA Vital Records. On this page the Companies from the County of Cedar County, IA are displayed: If the property you were occupying as a
throughout the State. State law requires that all real property be reassessed every two years. the sign up. The Cedar County Board of Review will meet via teleconference, tomorrow, May 1st @ 1:00 pm. The AcreValue Cedar County, IA plat map, sourced from the Cedar County, IA tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. the assessor's property record cards and not the value indicated on the tax
Property is
Filing is required on the following, if provisions have been
a new or used home and is occupying the property as a homestead as of July 1st:
determine the general level of assessment in a community, in order to adjust for
We are delighted to make this tool available to the public and other county offices! maximum of $4,850. The tax levy is
yours which have sold recently. Credit and exemption forms, property records cards, aerial photos, etc., are all available online, via or this website. Please note: Business Property Tax Credit Applications are due March 15, 2015. Call 211 for general information Cedar County Public Health: 563-886-2226 Cedar County Emergency Management: 563-886-3355 Cedar County COVID-19 Response 400 Cedar Street Tipton, IA 52772 US These forms are from the Cedar County Assessors office and are for general public use. The informal review dates remain April 2-25, 2020. What are the Assessor's Duties? The 2020 assessment notices have been mailed and are available online. General Misconceptions About the Assessor's Work
owner files after July 1, the exemption will go into effect the year following
the exemption is first claimed. The Cedar County Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in Cedar County, Iowa. Please call 563-886-2557.
assessed as of January First. Simply click on "Get Current Year Property Tax Estimate" viewing a parcel; check any applicable exemptions or credits and an esitmate will be generated. A city with a
Exemptions and Credits
for credit shall be required only if the property is sold or the designated
descriptions of buildings & property characteristics,
schools, cities, and townships, adopt budgets after public hearings. State Association of Assessors. prudent management; in other words, what another investor would give for a
The Cedar County Courthouse will re-open to the public on Monday, June 8th.
in and discuss it with the assessor. Property owners can protest the application of the 5% increase to their property only to the Cedar County Board of Review between October 9th and (including) October 31st. days after May 31st whichever is latest. reassessed every two years. The tax estimator has been updated with the most recent certified levies. Market value of a property is an estimate of the price that it would sell for on
may file a written protest with the Board of Review, which is composed of three
Dates to Remember
The Jefferson County Assessor may provide property information to the public "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. If you don't have a program that can read PDF files, please click HERE to get the Adobe Reader. Iowa County Assessor Assessor Hub provided by Vanguard Appraisals, Inc Iowa County Assessor 901 Court Avenue Marengo, IA 52301 Voice: (319) 642-3851 Email: Feedback tax rate,
Value of the land then would be added to arrive to the total
referred to as the "arms length transaction" or "willing buyer/willing seller"
Property Lookup Information
productivity and net earning capacity using a five year crop average and
of state ordered "rollback" percentages for the various classes of property,
the value compare to the similar properties in the neighborhood? Wildlife
Cedar County vital records can be found at the Iowa Office of Vital Records which has copies of birth, marriage and death records from July 1880. Public inquiries can be made by phone, mail, fax, or email ( To qualify for the credit, the property owner must be a resident of Iowa and
all real property within their jurisdiction except that which is otherwise
Joseph Cronin, Assessor approaches. It must be postmarked no later than April 30. October 16
Property Assessment Appeal Board
(refer to code of Iowa, Chapter 425)
The taxable value is the value determined by the auditor after application
2015 Assessment Rolls are out! In that case, your
The Cedar County Tax Assessor is the local official who is responsible for assessing the taxable value of all properties within Cedar County, and may establish the amount of tax due on that property based on the fair market value appraisal. You can contact the Cedar County Assessor for: Checking the Cedar County property tax due date; Information on your property's tax assessment homestead is sold, or if you cease to use the property as a homestead you are
Cedar County Assessor's Office Services . through October 25 inclusive - Protest period for filing with Board of Review on
no longer eligible for any credit or exemption they have applied for. Where can find Cedar County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records?
property, except agricultural dwellings, are assessed on the basis of
PROPERTY CLASS WITH THE ASSESSED VALUE ENTERED, Web Management by Inukshuk Technologies, LLC. through adjournment - Board of Review meets each year. November 1. Tax Levies and Assessed Values
There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a
The local board of review can only remove the amount if an increase due to the equalization order. Assessment notices will be mailed on or before April 1st; 2019 values will also be available online on or about April 1st. Taxing jurisdictions such as
This method requires thorough
It is
Tracking of
500 15th Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Voice: (319) 286-5888 Fax: (319) 286-5880 Email: Increases in assessed value of individual parcels of property as determined by
Dubuque County Courthouse 720 Central Avenue PO Box 5001 Dubuque, IA 52004-5001 Phone: 563-589-1300 the credit continues until the property is sold or until the owner no longer
The Assessor is charged with several administrative and statutory
Assessor Forms:
Assessor depending on that officer holders wishes. you have any questions about the assessment of your property, feel free to come
"roll back" percentages vary each year. 190 . The Cedar County Assessor's Office is mailing notices to all property owners that have had a change in their assessment for January 1, 2016 (value and/or class change). Real property is revalued every two years. Iowa Department of Revenue
the assessor is the assessed value and is the value indicated on the assessment
You may contact the Assessor’s office between the dates of April 2 and April 25 for an informal review of your property. Contact the assessor's office if you believe a tax credit and/or exemption you signed up for is not being applied to the current tax bill. Assessors, in addition to completing the required 150 hours of
The Board
Board of Review and May 1st Agenda. Petitions are available on this website or @; any submission in writing is acceptable. Please visit this website for additional information: June 5th is the deadline to appeal to the local Board of Review. that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection,
500 15th Ave SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Voice: (319) 286-5888 Fax: (319) 286-5880 Email: Nearby States: Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Illinois. The GIS Department shall provide accurate data, analysis, maps, and information products to all Cedar County citizens, emergency services organizations, departments, municipalities, and other interested parties in an efficient and professional manner. Presented By Vanguard Appraisals Inc. This would include residential, commercial, industrial and
What is the
All rights reserved. before July 1 of the year the credit is first claimed. determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance each year on the several
February 1st is fast approaching! Dual classification of property was also introduced for 2015. Beacon and are interactive public access portals that allow users to view County and City information, public records and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) via an online portal. Cynthia Marx, Assessor Barb Lemburg, Deputy Assessor Robin Boettcher, Transfer Specialist Patricia … sons/daughters, grandchildren , uncles/aunts, nephews/ nieces.) different levy. Cynthia Marx, Assessor Barb Lemburg, Deputy Assessor Robin Boettcher, Transfer Specialist Patricia … Office Hours . applied to each $1,000 of a properties taxable value. parcel maps,
Agricultural land and agricultural use buildings are assessed on the basis of productivity and net earning capacity using a five year crop average and capitalized at the rate set by the legislature. Homestead Tax Credit
This is a tax credit on agricultural tracts of land 10 acres or more that are
April 2nd
Reservations - 8 years -Forest Cover
If you are having difficulty finding a parcel via the address search, please try entering the house number OR the street name. It is requested that entry is limited to 1 (one) person per transaction. PROPERTY TAX ESTIMATOR WILL ESTIMATE TAXES FOR ALL TAXING DISTRICTS BY
In Iowa, Cedar County is ranked 45th of 99 counties in Clerk Offices per capita, and 39th of 99 counties in Clerk Offices per square mile. Guard who has served at least 20 years. least 60 hours are tested. The Linn County Assessor’s Office assesses real property in Linn County, Iowa with the exception of property in Cedar Rapids. Elizabeth (Liz) Kriegel, Assessor. The Cedar County Assessor's Office is mailing notices to all property owners that have had a change in their assessment for January 1, 2016 (value and/or class change). taxes,
Thank you! 1st respectively. If you disagree with the assessor's estimate of value, please consider these
Exemption. Please double click on the parcel number(s) once you have completed your search in order to open the card. Iowa law provides for a number of exemptions and credits, including Homestead
All rights reserved. The protest must be in writing and taken to the assessor's office or postmarked to the Cedar County Board of Review by October 31st. depending upon the state of completion as of January First. A property assessment record card can be downloaded from the Cedar County Assessor website or from the obtained from the Cedar County Assessor's office; please contact the Cedar County Assessor's Office at (563)886-6413 if you have questions about your property assessment. replacement value. Continuing Education Program consisting of 150 hours of formal classroom
those properties affected by changes in value as a result of the Director of
to assessment and the applicable laws. The following property tax credits and/or exemption have an annual deadline of July 1st: Forms are available by clicking on the 'Forms' icon on the left side of this screen or @ If the claim for credit is approved, no further filing shall be
You can also submit an appeal to the Board of Review April 2-30. See the disaster declaration under Board of Review Forms for additional information. This credit reduces the value on which taxes are calculated by a
two questions before proceeding, as outlined below:
with other properties always compare with the value on the assessment roll of
If you are seeking the amount of PROPERTY TAXES you have paid, please contact the Cedar County Treasurer's Office or visit for the current and previous year(s) property tax statements. Barb Lemburg, Deputy Assessor The first approach is to find properties that are comparable to
requirement must be met in order for the assessor to be reappointed to the
Please direct any questions to the assessor's office. 17 . To provide fair and equitable assessments to all property owners in Black Hawk County using mass appraisal methods. Cedar County Assessor Cedar County Courthouse 400 Cedar Street Tipton, IA 52772 Voice: (563) 886-6413 Fax: (563) 594-5292 Email: Click on "Real Estate" on the left side of the screen to take you to the search options. Finance are the same for all the assessing jurisdictions in the State. Feel free to contact the assessor's office with any questions regarding your assessment.
and after a public hearing acts on adoption of same. developmental trends in the area of the subject properly being appraised since
Cedar County Tax Records are documents related to property taxes, employment taxes, taxes on goods and services, and a range of other taxes in Cedar County, Iowa. Determine
conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction
Cedar County Assessor Cedar County Courthouse 400 Cedar Street Tipton, IA 52772 Voice: (563) 886-6413 Fax: (563) 594-5292 Email: This will result in more possible matches. Pollution
required to report this to the assessor in whose jurisdiction the property is
Taxable property includes land and commercial properties, often referred to as real property or real estate, and fixed assets owned by businesses, often referred to as personal property. +Urban Revitalization
Multiple property tax exemptions and credit applications are due on that date including (but not limited to): Forest or Fruit Tree Reservation, Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Exemption, Historic Property Rehabilitation, Barn or One Room School House Preservation, etc. Veterans Homestead Credit
The Assessor is concerned with value, not taxes. The Board meets in May to consider assessment protests. is a list of several credits and exemptions available in Iowa. Cedar County Assessor Cedar County Courthouse 400 Cedar Street Tipton, IA 52772 Voice: (563) 886-6413 Fax: (563) 594-5292 Email: Understanding Iowa Property Tax System (Video) Understanding Your Property's Assessment (Printable Brochure) Mission Statement. assessor determines a full or partial value of new construction, or improvements
See the agenda under Forms. member, or member who is currently serving, of Reserve Forces or Iowa National
All agricultural land and buildings in Cedar County were adjusted in accordance with this methodology for 2015. also the property owner's responsibility to report to the Assessor when they are
We also serve the public at the Assessor’s Office M-F from 8:00 to 4:30, but … road maintenance and other services budgeted for in that area. Cynthia Marx, Assessor Barb Lemburg, Deputy Assessor Robin Boettcher, Transfer Specialist Patricia Wirth, Appraiser … The Cedar County Plat Book and Atlas document complete PDF is a very large file and may take a long time to download to your system (depends on your internet speed). The mailing is designated to cause a property owner to believe that there has been a recently recorded document, which is often not accurate. levied on a value determined by the auditor by applying a "roll back" percentage
credit, the owner must file an application for credit with the assessor by
These files have been created in a PDF format. Get to know the Assessor for Black Hawk County and explore what the responsibilities are for the Assessor's Office. Cedar County Assessor Cedar County Courthouse 400 Cedar Street Tipton, IA 52772 Voice: (563) 886-6413 Fax: (563) 594-5292 Email: office. required provided the ownership and the designated person actively engaged in
Reserve Forces or Iowa National Guard who was activated for Federal duty, not
Skip to Main Content. Some parts of Cedar County received adjustments for 2015, some did not. Thank you. To file for the exemption, the property owner must be a resident of Iowa and
Set policy
ownership changes on property,
the open market on January First of the year of assessment. The Cedar Rapid Assessor, located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, determines the value of all taxable property in Linn County, IA.
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