Catalogs, bulletins, course and fee schedules, etc., are not to be considered as binding contracts between Boise State University and students. Strategies to maintain and enhance health for successful aging are emphasized. PREREQ: BIOL 227-228. HLTH 101 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). (Pass/Fail.) HLTH 413 DEATH AND DYING: A MODERN CONUNDRUM (3-0-3)(F)(Even years). (Pass/Fail.) Plan of Study Curriculum Grid for Boise State Pre-Nursing Students . Focuses on the normal aging process and health concerns that affect an aging population. HLTH 400 INTERPROFESSIONAL CAPSTONE (0-3-1)(F,S,SU)(FF). The choice of any edition of the Boise State catalog, provided that the catalog was published and was in force while you were enrolled at Boise State and/or College of Western Idaho or College of Southern Idaho, and provided that the catalog is no older than six (6) academic years at the time of your graduation from Boise State University. Catalogs, bulletins, course and fee schedules, etc., are not to be considered as binding contracts between Boise State University and students. Additional certification exams will be provided by emphasis areas. Evidence-based Public Health provides advanced study in public health prevention strategies, with an emphasis on coalition development, assessment, and evaluation of community-based prevention and health promotion strategies. The university and its divisions reserve the right at any time, without advance notice, to: (a) withdraw or cancel classes, courses, and … Completion is strongly advised prior to starting BS-Nursing Courses. PREREQ: BUSBTC 302 and upper-division standing. Presentation of selected health science topics under faculty direction. PREREQ: BIOL 100 or BIOL 107 or BIOL 191 or BIOL 227, and PRE/COREQ: CHEM 101-101L or CHEM 111-111L. Health Informatics and Information Management (HIIM) Emphasis. HLTH 300 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY (4-0-4)(F,S,SU). Explore the systems and information technology used in the health industry to collect, manage, analyze, and protect data. Special topics courses are not typically articulated with four-year institutions; these credits often transfer as elective credits. 2018-2019 Boise State University Undergraduate Catalog, Boise State University … HLTH 150 (KINES 150) RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE: HEALTH PROFESSIONS (1-0-1)(F). Boise State creates opportunities. Health Sciences Librarian. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. Boise State University is committed to the health, safety, and academic achievement of its students and patrons. Search Criteria. Required course for students residing in the University Housing Health Professions Residential College. HLTH 310 EVIDENCE-BASED PUBLIC HEALTH (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). CS-108 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE 4.00 Credits. This course includes a lab. HLTH 420 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). However, most of this catalog is devoted to describing the various programs and courses o#ered at Boise State. You will learn how to program a computer using the Java language, the basic capabilities of a computer system, how to form and validate a hypothesis in computer science, and how computer science relates to other scientific endeavors and society at large. Combines the power of data and healthcare to improve patient outcomes with courses in business, information technology, and health sciences. Boise State University is committed to the health, safety, and academic achievement of its students and patrons. Required course for students residing in the University Housing Health Professions Residential College. HLTH 110 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SCIENCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH (3-0-3)(F,S,SU)(FS). You'll discover it's a smart choice. The undergraduate and graduate academic catalogs are guides to the numerous programs offered at Idaho State University. May be repeated for credit. Overview of the health care industry and the issues that confront this dynamic system, including the changing roles of components of the system as well as technical, economic, political and social forces responsible for those changes. Short Courses Special Events Special Interest Groups Donations Make a Donation Need Help? However, most of this catalog is devoted to describing the various programs and courses o#ered at Boise State. Focuses on public policy and transformational ethics as a tool to improve population health, interactions between private and public sector, and legal issues health professionals commonly encounter. Boise State University attempts to respond to the educational needs and wants of any and all students when expressed. HLTH 418 ADVANCED PUBLIC HEALTH ANALYSIS (3-0-3)(F,S). Overview of financial management functions at the departmental level; budgeting and cost analysis for department-level operations and capital expenditures; financing of healthcare including various reimbursement/payment systems. PREREQ: upper-division standing, ENGL 102 and MATH 153 or MATH 254 or KINES 301 or PSYC 295 or SOC 310 or PRE/COREQ: PUBH 318 or PERM/INST. (Pass/Fail.) Catalog 2020-2021. Internship opportunities in health sciences and public health are available through the department. Terminology, concepts, and forms used in both strategic planning and project management. Undergraduate Course Catalog subjects, how-to-read course descriptions, disciplinary lens courses, university-wide courses, and core and diversity courses. Topics include regression and ANOVA designs. This course is designed to familiarize students with the prominent theories, issues, and topics in the field of health communication with a range of topics, including illness and health, historical and contemporary issues, patient and provider experiences, cultural differences in health, public awareness/prevention/intervention campaigns, and the role of media and relationships in health communication. In this catalog you will "nd an overview of Boise State University and information on admission, registration, grades, tuition and fees, "nancial aid, housing, student services, and other important policies and procedures. HLTH 410 HEALTH AND AGING (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). May be repeated for credit. Design of experiments, methods of analysis, interpretation and communication of results, and use of research to support evidence-based practice. The course describes the public health and healthcare systems in the United States, identifies disciplines of public health and health science, and explores the interrelationship between environmental factors, human behavior, and health policy in determining health outcomes. PREREQ: senior standing. HLTH 488 STUDENT OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT (0-0-0)(F,S,SU). Designed for psychology majors, the course emphasizes theories of human development including psychodynamic, behavioral, social-learning, and cognitive. Nutrition (FA) Foundations of Arts Elective (3) See course catalog for elective options. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. PREREQ: Upper-division standing or PERM/INST. The mission of the Health Science program is to provide students with a curricular foundation that prepares them for admission into a professional program of study within the health field, or to transfer to a multitude of health-related degrees at a four year university. PREREQ: PERM/INST. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. HLTH 210 HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). Course Title: Begins Contains: Course Code: Begins Contains: Location: PREREQ: PERM/INST. HLTH 460 DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH (3-0-3)(S). All classes during the 2020-2021 academic year, as a direct or indirect result of the ongoing COVID-19 public health situation, are subject to change in delivery method, schedule, or other potential modification. HLTH 280 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL METHODS FOR HEALTH SCIENCES (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). This course offers an introduction to the art and science of public health and health sciences. Emphasis on data and analytic methods in public health, quantitative reasoning, data integrity, data manipulation, interpretation of research findings in the literature and use of results to make informed decisions. May be repeated for credit. Introduction to Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, combining forms and roots used in medical terminology, as well as the study of anatomical, physiological, and pathological terms, clinical procedures, abbreviations, and lab tests according to systems of the body. HLTH 105 HEALTH ADVOCACY AND ME (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). University catalogs for past academic years. Boise State University. HLTH 207 NUTRITION (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). This course investigates key tools and theories that empower and engage communities to address their own issues. PREREQ: ENGL 102. HLTH 315 HEALTH POLICY AND ETHICS (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). Ben Bolin Phone: (208) 282-4582 Physical address: 850 S. 9th Avenue Pocatello, Idaho 83209. This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of Computer Science. Looks at the ethical theory as it applies to the above issues, as well as some common myths and misperceptions about the law, medicine, and the ethics regarding death. Study of fundamentals of nutrition as a factor in maintaining good health. Present day problems in nutrition are also discussed. PREREQ: Upper-division standing and MATH 153 or MATH 254 or KINES 301 or PSYC 295 or SOC 310 or PERM/INST. PREREQ: Senior standing. PREREQ: NURS 416 or NURS-RN 416 or NURS-RN 425 or PRE/COREQ: EOHS 498 or HLTH 480 or PUBH 480 or RADSCI 311 or RADSCI 430 or RESPCARE 355. PREREQ: Upper-division standing and MATH 153 or MATH 254 or KINES 301 or PSYC 295 or SOC 310 or PERM/INST. This course emphasizes the underlying social, economic, and political factors or root causes that influence health and disease outcomes; discusses how these factors affect populations differently; and shows how to use public health advocacy strategies in the community. © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Contact Us Registration FAQ Quick Reference Guide Osher Program FAQ Winter/Spring 2016 Catalog. PREREQ: upper-division standing. HLTH 470 COLLABORATING FOR CHANGE (3-0-3)(F,S). Contemporary Advanced Search. Students, working in interdisciplinary teams, engage in problem solving and communication activities that address current health related issues, Limited to COHS majors. Medical terminology is treated as a medical language and clinical application is stressed. Nursing & Health Sciences Nursing Programs Prerequisite CoursesThis information is subject to change. HLTH 250 (KINES 250) RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE: HEALTH PROFESSIONS (1-0-1)(S). HLTH 365 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (3-0-3)(F,S). Refer to the Repeat Policy section of the Sacramento State Catalog for additional information. In this catalog you will "nd an overview of Boise State University and information on admission, registration, grades, tuition and fees, "nancial aid, housing, student services, and other important policies and procedures. Visit our Admissions page often and enjoy your exploration of Boise State. 4 credits Fundamental programming constructs, algorithms and problem-solving, fundamental data structures, overview of programming languages, virtual machines, introduction to language translation, declarations and types, abstraction mechanisms, object-oriented programming. Introduction to practices of health and wellness emphasizing lifestyles and measures of health. Topics, theories and public health methods associated with determinants of health, gender, ethnicity/race, relationships, socioeconomic status, built environment, community, political systems, stress and adverse childhood experiences, culture and their influences on individual and community health. Submissions from 2018 PDF. Seniors in the department of Community and Environmental Health are required to take an exit survey and participate in professional and career building activities. Includes an explanation of issues, such as fear(s) of death, pain management, suffering, and the role of technology. HLTH 498, HLTH 499 SEMINAR (1 to 2 credits)(F/S). Required to graduate. © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Survey of the policy and legal issues related to public health, health care delivery, and environmental health. PREREQ: upper-division standing. The University must respond swiftly to the ever-changing situation caused by the COVID-19 public health situation. PREREQ: upper-division standing. Repeat Policy: Health Science majors and minors can only repeat Health Science courses one time if they receive less than a "C." Students must meet with their academic advisor before petitioning the department to repeat the course. Use of Excel. The course may be repeated as new topics are presented. PREREQ: Recommendation of faculty advisor, upper-division standing, cumulative GPA above 3.25, and PERM/INST. {{app.metaTagsService.getDescription()}} {{app.majorsService.getNumberOfFavorites()}} FAVORITES Provides participants with an opportunity to confront the complex reality of death, in their own lives, and in the lives of those they care most about. School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences. The purpose of the Boise State Catalog is to provide current and accurate information about Boise State University for guidance of prospective students, for faculty and administrative officers, for students currently enrolled, and for other education or allied agencies. Provides a comprehensive understanding of the environmental, social, and cultural factors that influence health. Students learn about the campus and community resources, explore various health-related professions, are civically engaged, and participate in service projects. Catalog 2020-2021 > ... Students pursuing majors within the Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance are preparing for careers in teaching, human performance, allied health, athletic training, public health and related fields. Examination of how the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government at federal, state, and local levels interact and create law. communications and marketing | | (208)426-1000 | 1910 university drive, boise idaho 83725 Diseases are presented in a “system approach” with a focus on characteristics, application of diagnostic reasoning, and treatment strategies, including basic principles of pharmacology drug classifications and commonly used drugs. The university and its divisions reserve the right at any time, without advance notice, to: (a) withdraw or cancel classes, courses, and … Social change and community work relies on cross-sector collaboration. This course offers an introduction to the art and science of public health and health sciences. We're here to help you make the most of the time, money, and energy you invest in your education and in your future. General computer skills (Excel) required to statistically analyze quantitative and qualitative data. HLTH 355 HUMAN HEALTH AND DISEASE (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). HLTH 419 PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNICATIONS (3-0-3)(F,S). The University must respond swiftly to the ever-changing situation caused by the COVID-19 public health situation. PREREQ: upper-division standing. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. ISU Catalog Information . 290 Capstone (number of credits varies) Capstone courses serve as a culminating experience for … Introduction to the application and use of statistical principles and methods in health sciences. PREREQ: upper-division standing. Study of the distribution and determinants of disease within human populations. HLTH 493 INTERNSHIP (Variable credit)(F,S,SU). HLTH 360 HEALTH CARE FINANCE (3-0-3)(S). CS 120 Computer Science I . The shared mission of the School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences (SRCS) is to advance the overall missions of Idaho State University and the Kasiska Division of Health Sciences by educating current and future rehabilitation and communication science professionals. Schedule Appointment Ball State University 2000 W. University Ave. Muncie, IN 47306 800-382-8540 and 765-289-1241 Students learn about the campus and community resources, explore various health-related professions, are civically engaged, and participate in service projects. All members of the campus community, including visitors, on campus to attend classes or for other purposes: a) are responsible for taking an active role in the efforts to mitigate and prevent the spread of the virus; b) must follow all health guidance, policies, and regulations communicated by the University, governmental authorities, and public health officials; c) must practice enhanced cleanliness and hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing and physical distancing as directed by the University; d) are subject to public health monitoring and screening practices such as: temperature checks, testing, wearing masks and other personal protective equipment, or others; e) must cooperate fully with any contact tracing or other similar efforts that may be required by the circumstances; and f) may be required to self-isolate while on campus or refrain from entering campus for a time period due to quarantine requirements or guidance. HLTH 382 RESEARCH METHODS IN HEALTH (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). Provides an overview of methods and efforts to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, outcomes, and other indicators of quality in services or processes, which achieve equity and improve the health of the community. Universities » Boise State University (BSU) » Easy Classes. They provide admission and graduation requirements, program and course descriptions, policies and procedures, and other information related to study in our programs. Requests for courses to be offered whenever they are desired will be favorably received providing that a minimum of 12 qualified students enrolls in the class and a competent faculty member is available to teach the course. PREREQ: Upper-division standing. Focuses on the similarities and differences between strategic planning (short and long term planning) and project planning (specific business activity that has a beginning and end). HLTH 480 EPIDEMIOLOGY (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 262!Boise State University 2019–2020 Undergraduate Catalog PSYC 309 CHILD DEVELOPMENT (3-0-3)(F,S). Emphasis on dynamic aspects of human disease. The University will make every effort to provide courses required for program completion, but cannot guarantee all classes will be available or completed through the delivery method of choice during Fall 2020. Covers general concepts related to the human body and chronic and infectious diseases, as well as how organ systems are affected by disease. Boise State University.
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