Version. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "DLC Spouses". Spouses that previously provided quests continue to provide those quests. -Requirement: Work for her chopping firewood. Moth gro-Bagol – Orc, Blacksmith, Understone Keep, Markarth. 77,052. Vilkas – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Other Skyrim lodging options. -Convince the gamblers to let him off his debts, Omluag – Breton, Miner, Markath Smelter, Markarth. (Note - it seems that the console versions of the game don't allow a remarry option as of the 1st update, unknown for the second upcoming patch). There are 30 potential wives available and we have picked 10 of the best Skyrim Wives. From Aela to Mjoll the Lioness, here are our picks for the best wives in Skyrim, as well as tips for gaining their trust and romancing them. Willhelm is not a follower). -Requirement: You must complete Dungeon Quest, Wilhelm’s Scream. All games ; Skyrim ; Mods ; NPC ; New marriage Options and Better vanilla Husbands; New marriage Options and Better vanilla Husbands. Aela is Supreme Werewolf Queen of Side-Boob, which makes her almost as popular a wife choice as cranky Lydia. Dravynea the Stoneweaver – Dark Elf, Mage, Kynesgrove, Eastmarch. (The reason I am posting this in general is because I posted in workshop but nobody answered) -Requirement: Retrieve her sword, Grimsever, from the dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft. It is a bug. Orla – Nord, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth. Looking for more buddies in the world of Skyrim? If you plan to have your spouse follow you, you might want to marry someone who is the class you want. It depends on what you want! Endorsements. In order to complete the quest “The Gift” that is a part of the expansion Dawnguard, in Skyrim, you will need to do the gruesome task of turning your spouse into a vampire. -Requirement: Completion of The Golden Claw. -Requirement: Deliver her satchel to her father in Darkwater Crossing, then return his satchel to her. -She may be married by recovering the Amulet of Zenithar and returning it to her. Viola Giordano – Imperial, Busybody, Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm. -Requirement: You must complete Temple Quest: The Heart of Dibella. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. 310. Skyrim: 20 Best Husbands In The Game (& How To Marry Them) Elder Scrolls: Skyrim has a litany of husbands available for the player to marry. Here are all the people you can marry in Skyrim, where they live, what they do, and what objectives you must complete to be able to fling woo their way. Temba Wide-Arm – Nord, Miller, Ivarstead, The Rift. -Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead. He sells the amulet for 200 coins and also sets up the ceremonies for any upcoming marriages. On top of all of these excellent Skyrim houses, there are a number of spousal homes and shacks available to store … Njada Stone-Arm – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. I think it is kind of weird that my wife is inside all day, when my kid goes outside and plays. You can also “own” other houses in Skyrim, or at least, move into the houses of your spouses once you get married. Calder – Nord, Housecarl, Hjerim, Windhelm. Husband’s Property: Bed, Hall of Attainment. Jordis the Sword-Maiden – Nord, Housecarl, Proudspire Manor, Solitude. Octieve San – Breton, Citizen, Solitude. Ria – Imperial, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Derkeethus – Argonian, Fisherman, Darkwater Crossing, Eastmarch. Some of these husbands also make the best followers in Skyrim too. Stenvar – Nord, Hireling, Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm. Location: College of Winterhold. Despite his drinking habits, Cosnach is skilled in archery, heavy armor and one-handed combat. Athis – Dark Elf, Companion, Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, Whiterun. I like his voice, too. Perth – Breton, Miner, Soljund’s Sinkhole, The Reach. Destruction and Restoration Spells at No Mana Cost, Sigil Stone Skyrim: Conjuration Ritual Spell. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Note: Sometimes, the choice for marriage doesn’t appears in the dialogues. What spouses can generate the most wealth? -Requirement: Give him 10 Fire Salts. Marriage is a gameplay element in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.After obtaining the Amulet of Mara, the Dragonborn has the option to engage in marriage with an eligible character regardless of either party's gender.There are no eligible Khajiit, Bosmer, male Redguard, or male Altmer candidates. ♥ Onmund. In your opinion, who is the best husband? (ex. ( Log Out / What truly sets Mjoll apart from other followers, though, is the fact that she is an essential NPC. -Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead. -Requirement: Become Thane of Solitude. (Vilkas’ Twin) Taarie – Altmer, Solitude Aeri – Nord, Lumberjack, Anga’s Mill in The Pale. -Requirement: You must complete The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead. Aela and Njada are both Nords and trainers, in archery and blocking respectively. Borghak the Steel Heart – Orc, Warrior, Mor Khazgur, The Reach. -Requirement: Clear Soljund’s Sinkhole of Draugr. Ainethach – Breton, Mine Owner, Karthwasten, The Reach. Aela the Huntress – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. History Talk (0) The following are articles related to marriage, including potential spouses, in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You can turn your spouse into a vampire in Skyrim once you have gotten “The Gift” quest or … Argis the Bulwark – Nord, Housecarl, Vlindrel Hall, Markarth. Change ). In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race. Farkas is a warrior/tank, Onmund is a mage). The simplest way is to head to the Riften Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 gold, but they will also show up in random loot and at merchants. Not all spouses are able to be followers (ex. Erik the Slayer – Nord, Barbarian, [[ Frostfruit Inn], Rorikstead This set of skills alone make her a good all-around companion and thus one of the most amazing wives you can get in the Skyrim. -Requirement: Give her The Last Scabbard of Akrash. In fact, if you know a good downloadable husband to replace him in my heart, please share. Mjoll the Lioness – Nord, Adventurer, Riften. With many Skyrim players choosing to play a male character, potential female spouses are easy to seek out and rank.Possible husbands however haven’t received much attention, female/gay playthroughs are very common so it’s important to have some info out there regarding the best husbands in Skyrim! -Requirement: Complete favor to Pavo Attius to liberate Kolskeggr Mine. -Requirement: Complete Quest, Repairing the Phial, Revyn Sadri – Dark Elf, Merchant, Sadri’s Used Wares, Windhelm. This tell you all of the possible spouses both male and female, their race, their job, and where you can find them. You may also be interested in our Skyrim Hottest Husbands Guide. Cosnach; Cosnach is a drunk character often found at the Silver-Blood Inn bar, in Markath, his hometown. happened. Jenassa – Dark Elf, Hireling, Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun. Angrenor Once-Honored – Nord, Beggar, Candelhearth Hall, Windhelm. -Requirement: Hire him. -Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead. "Till death do us part," yep, you guessed it, if you *ahem* kill your spouse (preferably inside your house to avoid bounty) then you can re-equip the amulet and go searching for another lover, you serial killer you. So if you’re looking for the best husbands in Skyrim then you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Skyrimmagic Today we are bringing you a list of possible spouses in Skyrim, a list I know several people have been looking and asking us for. Quintus Navale – Imperial, Alchemist, The White Phial, Windhelm. Grelka – Nord, Merchant, open market, Riften (Can be married only through console command ). Romlyn Dreth – Dark Elf, Meadery Worker, Black-Briar Meadery, Riften. Nerds and Scoundrels. Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, How to Transfer PC Saves to the Special Edition, Zelda Gear, Master Sword, and Amiibo Unlockables, Transfer Saves Between Between 360 and PC, Bring Ancient Falmer Tome to Urag-gro Shub, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Scouts-Many-Marshes – Argonian, Dockworker, Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm. On top of these benefits, certain spouses like Mjoll are available as followers, which makes them walking, talking sources of revenue. ( Log Out / Ensure that they're distinct in their marriageability - Not all spouses are written equal in Skyrim; with some, you're able to bond with them through quest chains, dungeons, or memorable dialogue; others become available after simple, forgettable tasks (yelling at someone, delivering an item, fetching an item, or donating a septim). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. -Requirement: Talk to Torbjorn Shatter-Shield about the Argonian dock workers. -Requirement: You must Hire him. Torvar – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Workshop or nexus, it does not matter. Skyrim is full of strong warriors, brilliant mages, hardworking labourers, and savvy businessmen just waiting you marry you. Race: Dunmer. Gat gro-Shargakh – Orc, Miner, Left Hand Mine / Kolskeggr Mine, The Reach. Sylgja – Nord, Miner, Shor’s Stone, The Rift. However, searching for love can be hard in a world fraught with civil war and dragons. Dravynea the Stoneweaver is a Dunmer elemental mage living in Kynesgrove.She is responsible for maintaining a low temperature in Steamscorch Mine so that the workers are able to continue mining.. After raising her disposition, she becomes a potential candidate for marriage.She is the expert trainer in Alteration.. Dravynea dedicates much of her day to working inside the mine. -Requirement: Hire her. -Requirement: Completion of The Companion’s story arc with Glory of the Dead. Wilhelm – Nord, Innkeeper, Vilemyr Inn, Ivarstead, The Rift. Is there a mod that makes your spouse go outside and do stuff? Some of these wives also make the best followers in Skyrim too. Farkas – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. Frequently found in and around the Winking Skeever. Onmund – Nord, Student, The Hall of Attainment, College of Winterhold. Check out our guide to Skyrim’s Best Steward! Just like I mentioned before, in the post about the best destruction spells, it’s probably hard to figure out who is really the best wife in Skyrim.That’s because we all have our own preferences, and the choice can also depend on the particular play style. Simply put, there’s a reason why she’s number one. Here’s a list of the best husbands in Skyrim that I think are worth your time. Belrand – Nord, Hireling, The Winking Skeever, Solitude. Well, look what the horker dragged in.. Luckily for you, this list should make your hunt for romance a little bit easier. You may also be interested in our Skyrim Hottest Wives Guide. Category page. Last … however, if you marry a shopkeeper, the shop they open continues to be the same type … Senna – Imperial, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth. In Skyrim, you have the option of marrying an NPC, regardless of race or gender.To do so, you must complete the quest The Bonds of Matrimony, which involves speaking with Maramal about marriage and wearing an Amulet of Mara which signifies that you are available to be married. ( Log Out / But let's be honest, only a handful of them are hunks! Find out which Skyrim hunk should be your husband! For other uses, see Marriage.. Skyrim Marriage Benefits If you don't own a house already, getting married will give you the option of moving into your spouse's residence. ... Skyrim: 15 Best Marriage, Spouse & Family Mods(Custom Wives & Husbands) Top 10 Best Boots You Can Wear in Skyrim; 15 Best Alchemy Potions You Can Make In Skyrim; 10 Best Harvest Moon Wives & Bachelorettes (From All Games) -Requirement: Challenge him to a brawl and win. -Requirement: Start Revyn Sadri ‘s favor, but then rat him out to Viola. They all produce 100 gold a day. If you see an error or I am missing someone contact us and let us know! Skyrim: Marriage. Anwen – Redguard, Priestess, Temple of Dibella, Markarth. Uthgerd the Unbroken – Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun. -Talk to Mulush about the smelters. Not everyone is open to the idea of romance in the midst of such rough times. Location: The Drunken Huntsman, Whiterun Right now I am playing a very marriage-averse Altmer, so this is the first time I have not settled down. Ysolda – Nord, Citizen, open market, Whiterun. Pavo Attius – Imperial, Miner, Left Hand Mine / Kolskeggr Mine, The Reach. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. An exclusive bee farm can be built on this property and the player's house can be fully customizable as with all of the other Hearthfire DLC plots of land. Our Skyrim Hottest Wives Guide any upcoming marriages follow this blog and receive notifications of posts. And let us know, Miller, Ivarstead, the Scorched Hammer, Riften kegs rum. She ’ s Property: Bed, Hall of Attainment the PlayStation 3 a... Rather annoyed that I think are worth your time, all husbands in skyrim, Riften husbands in Skyrim I. Want to marry them ‘ s favor, but then rat him out to viola Whiterun. Sword-Maiden – Nord, Companion, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun to provide those quests, Goldenrock Mine Kynesgrove. The Reach brawl and win of any of the Companion ’ s Longhouse, Yal! Same type … Skyrim: 20 best Wives Top 10. ) Altmer so. Top 10, only a handful of them are hunks is open the... 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